If you haven't done it yet, I would ask your doctor if he/she can prescribe your daugheter liquid Sudaphed. My son was had just about the same amount of ear infections your daughter had, and I also got ear infections everytime I got a cold and I take sudaphed (not the PE) on the first sign of a cold, so I figured if it works for me, why wouldn't it work for my son. His doctor was willing, but said if he got another ear infection, would I consider tubes. I said I would consider it. He then handed me a perscription for liquid pseudoephedrine and my son has been ear infection free since. You see, it dries out the nasal cavity.
My daughter had a sinus infection and I mentioned liquid pseudoephedrine and the doctor recommended a prescription which is a nasal spray. She said it works a little bit better than liquid pseudoephedrine because it helps the adenoids some how.
Anyway, if you don't overdose your child on liquid pseudoephedrine, it's safe to use and much less evasive than surgery.
Good luck.