I will keep you in prayer, Krista. My daughter had acid reflux - even into toddlerhood. Otherwise, she seemed very healthy. I found all through her 2-3 yr old stage, she would frequently have stomach acid come up. It was horrible for her and us...and I was concerned about her stomach & teeth (as the acid really wears down the enamel). While she was breastfed for her first year of life, there was no acid. So, I knew to watch as we introduced foods for reactions. Unfortunately, by about 15 months we were probably introducing something new every week or so ... Problem is, foods stay in our system for approx. 4 days. Although one food might have caused sensitivity, adding another that would make her system sensitive overtaxed her precious body... but by that point, of alternating what she ate on each day, it was just too much.
I prayed about it, and scaled back as much as I could. I made as much of the food as I could into puree. At 3 yrs old, Dr. wanted to prescribe acid-reflux meds, but I wasn't content with that, as I'd just been diagnosed with food allergies myself that year...then told there's a decent chance my children would have some allergies. So, back to the Dr., I asked to see about testing her for problems (oh yes, and she had arthritis like pain in her legs and arms. Again, remember, this is a healthy little girl who looks just fine when playing on a good day... Dr. testing her for rheumatory arthritis, but she didn't have the indicators. Next, he went ahead and referred us to Dr. Fosso. She was lovely with my daughter (oh, and other children) ... when asked what I thought it might be causing my daughter's problems, I went ahead on that list and checked EVERY SINGLE THING I'd ever introduced her to. I was shocked at the results. She had so many allergies... so we began eliminating them from her diet. Most of them, we're told, she might outgrow as she gets older, but we totally avoided them. Here and there over the past 3 years, we introduce something back - in a small amount - just to see how she does (we have an epi-pen...and have never had an anaphylactic reaction, but have been informed it could cause one...By the way, anaphylactic can mean attacking ANY ORGAN...and the skin is an organ - as well as your heart and lungs. I'd never looked at it that way. So an allergic reaction might cause extreme hives externally one time, but something internal next time. We don't know, so it's always safest to avoid!) Back to the re-introducing, they all still cause acid, itchy red elbows and wrists, or leg aches...depends on the food.
My suggestion would be to pray about it...and step back list what all you feed him, and put him on a rotation diet...basically, exclude one food from his diet for say...one week. See what happens, if it gets better, then that food was the problem. If it doesn't disappear, try removing a different food. Hopefully, this will lead you to finding the culprit. (May I also mention to watch the diaper? My daughter consistently had red streaking in her diaper on various days....and we eventually figured out it was after she ate carrots...so they were causing her to bleed.)
Hope this helps!