First off, congratulations on making it this long breastfeeding. You're in the minority. Great job mom!
I really get the wanting to have your body back. Nursing can be hard, but don't feel you have to wean her 100% by her first birthday. Instead of all these crazy formulas, why not wait until her first (and with your ped's ok) to try regular milk? Have you smelled formula? It's really stinky and kinda gross. My son was not a fan when I had to supplement and who can blame him. He way prefered just regular milk. Also, when transitioning it may be easier to just forego bottles altogether and just use sippies. Many breast fed babies are not fans of the bottle and prefer cups or sippies.
Regarding weaning, like I said, I understand wanting to wean by age 1 but realize that it's not like your breastmilk suddenly becomes bad or less nutritious afterwards. Toddlers still get a lot of benefit from breast milk. What you might consider, and what might work better if you have a boob monster, is waiting until you can transition to regular milk and then slowly cut down on the nursing sessions. Chances are, if you've been consuming dairy all along and she's been fine with it so far, she'll tolerate dairy just fine. You do not want to go cold turkey -- that can leave you with clogged ducts and mastitis if you're not careful.