I think even though you asked the question, you are already aware of what your little one is ready for. My son showed signs of being ready at around 22 months, but according to his Pedi not enough to even begin potty learning. So, I waited until he was about 30 months when he started waking up from naps dry and introduced books, videos and pull-ups. We watched the Huggies DVD together about how pull-ups are for big kids and he loved it.
At his school they do potty checks every 30 minutes to get the kids used to the idea, so when his teacher told me he went on the potty and was very happy with himself, I started doing them at home too. After about two months, we sat down and talked about wearing underwear and trying to tell Mommy and Daddy and his teachers when he was ready for pee-pee on the potty. For three weeks straight he went in his pants and we explained it was okay and so forth, but we'd go to the potty and check to see if anything was left.
Honestly, I went into it with an attitude of 'this is his process and I will let him own it'. I gave him time to have accidents and reassured him it was okay because he was learning. But, by his 3rd birhtday he was in unders full-time (except at night) and telling me when he had to go. I think it's one of those things you just have to find a groove and use a lot of verbal and physical cues to teach how this process works. It's tough to go from diapers to the potty without some kind of room for mistakes and clean up. When she's ready you'll know.
Follow your instincts and since you are the best judge of who your little girl is...do what you know is going to work for her. I didn't do bribes either, well with poop on the potty we have a sticker chart and that works pretty well...but that a whole other animal!
People freak out because they think kids should be done with certain things by certain ages, but really every kid is different and you're doing a great job by giving her some more time to show you she's ready.