Try laying on your back with your knees bent comfortably. Tilt your pelvis towards your head like you r doing one of thoes funny lower abb + butt exercises. That is 12:00o'clock Bring your pelvis back to normal then tilt it away from your head towards your feet. That is 6:00. Bring it back to normal resting then tilt it to the left, 3:00. Back to normal then the right 9:00o'clock. Back to normal. Then start back at 12:00 This time take it in order and try not to skip a clock. So do 1:00 and 2:00 then three and four all the way around and back up to 12. You'll feel stuck or tight in some of these positions. These are the ones that u need to work on. Keep doing this until all seem loose and reachable. This worked on one of my friends she was overweight some too. She lost about 10 lbs and then started these exersices the one week later she concieved.