Hi! My daughter is 8 months old and luckily a good eater. I waited til she was 6 months old to start her on solids, too. I have a food allergy, so I've been very careful about introducing everything in the right order.
However, a friend of mine (who is also a pediatrician) has a son who is a week older than my daughter, and he just doesn't like baby food. She started out doing what you are, trying, stopping and trying again. She finally just started giving him little bits of regular food that she's eating. How is your son's development as far as pincer grasp, etc? Maybe he's ready for some finger foods? My friend's son is able to eat the Gerber graduates puffs.You might try eating a banana yourself and tearing off little bits of it and letting your son eat it from his high chair. When he sees you eating it, maybe he will be more willing. Good luck!!