We have been there, but with a boy and I feel your pain. The ONLY thing that worked for us and I only used it as a last resort because I thought it was kinda gross, was going without pants while at home. We stayed at home as much as possible for a few days and when we did venture out we wore underwear and pants (no Pullups). They don't want to wet on the floor and he didn't have any accidents. I figured there would be pee everywhere, but not at all. I had been told by my brother-in-law that this was how they trained their daughter and it worked. I totally got rid of Pullups, not even at night and he would ask for them when he needed to poop, but I didn't give in and eventually he would go. And, I quit asking him if he had to potty all the time as it seemed to frustrate him and he would just go on his own. The first time we went out somewhere we went to the library and I told him that if he wet his pants that we would have to go home right then no matter what we were doing. He did and we went home before he got any books and he was devastated, but never had another accident. It worked amazingly well and I wished I had tried it earlier. I was really surprised at how well it worked, but I shouldn't have been because I was praying really hard about it and God knew that I had really had it. Our son was about the same age as your daughter and our other children had trained much, much earlier. It was more of a control issue with this one, I think, he knew that it was something that we really wanted him to do and he was in control until he no longer had underpants. It's really kinda funny now when I look back on it, but at the time I was to the point of crying, I was so frustrated. Best wishes!