She's not too old as long as she's wearing a costume. We get a little irritated with the teens that come around that night with no costume on... more like begging than trick or treating (LOL)
My oldest daughter is 13. I told her that I think she is too old to go trick or treating this year, but she still wants to go anyways. Should I let her go??? How old do you think the cut off age should be for a child to go trick or treating???
She's not too old as long as she's wearing a costume. We get a little irritated with the teens that come around that night with no costume on... more like begging than trick or treating (LOL)
As long as she A) dresses up and B) is very polite (says trick or treat and thank you) I would love to see her at my door!
I think it's okay as long as she has a costume & she is polite. My biggest pet peeve is the 16 year olds who wear a black hoodie & call it a costume. Yeah, I don't think so.
If she is wearing a costume ( and not just black clothes) and she and her friends have the good sence to be nice to the little kids, then I think it's fine. She's still a kid.
I do have a problem with a gang of 17 year old boys who aren't in costume and show up after dark. That's threatening to me.
Never. As long as they want to dress up and go, I think a child is never too old for trick or treating.
I trick or treated well into high school. I think kids are growing up fast enough these days. If she wants to go through the trouble of dressing up then by all means let the kid be a kid!
Too old?!?!? I started taking my kid trick or treating when she was 1 so I could dress up and go again!! She's 15 now and we haven't missed a year yet. She's dressing as River Song from Doctor Who this year. Last year she went as the Doctor :) I'm gonna be a witch, or maybe a gypsy, I haven't decided yet. And we go with her cousins and their mom's. There's usually 5 or 6 kids and 3 or 4 adults all in costume. Yup...never to old.
I agree with Sandy ~ I will give candy to pretty much anyone in a costume who says trick-or-treat. No costume = no candy! :)
My friend and i went till we were 15. Then we made up the excuse that we had to take her little brother just so we could keep going. 8-) It's all fun and I don't think there is a definite age cut off.
I don't think it's too old! I don't think there is an age limit personally. I love the older kids that come just after the surge of little ones so I can unload any excess candy LOL By the time my kids go out plus anything left over from what we bought I welcome the opportunity to get some more of it out the door. I give candy to whoever comes to the door and says Trick or Treat.
Not too old as long as she's wearing a costume. Heck, I'm over 40 and I LOVE trick or treating - so glad I have my own little excuse! LOL! Kids generally get tired of it on their own by the time they're 15-16 ish. I don't mind giving out candy to "big kids" as long as they put some thought into a costume. I think it's cool. I actually went with a group of kids when I was 18 - we were all between 16-18, but we all dressed up and most people were fine about it cause we weren't just showing up in our regular clothes looking for candy.
I went through high school. I will hand out candy to any kid who puts in the time to make a costume and is polite.
My daughter is 14 and is really looking forward to going Trick or Treating with a group of her friends. I know kids that Trick or Treat all throughout high school. As long as their in costume, I'm all for letting them have some fun.
You could bring your goldfish and as long as you had it dressed up I would give it a piece of candy. I don't believe in a cut off. You put forth the effort to dress up to entertain me...your getting candy (like I want to keep it in my house anyway).
Only thing I don't like is when it's a no effort costume. Black hoodie and makeup doesn't equal a costume.Some of the older kids though, really go all out and put on great costumes. It's refreshing to see after all the little kids with similar costumes.
I like what Lucia said! Let a kid be a kid!!! I trick or treated into high school!! I'm the same as some of your other posts, that if she came to my door in costume I'd give her candy! There's no age limit on Halloween! :-)
I think she's ok to go especially if she dresses up.
Whenever teens come to my door and all they have on is a mask and stupid sweatpants - I don't give them any candy. they have to be in costume.
Oh and I make sure to give them a hard time about being lazy freeloaders.
So make sure she dresses up in a real costume:)
I say let her :) I hand out candy o anyone wearing a costume even adults
As long as shes wearing a costume, then I say its ok.
Is she going to dress up?
"Yes" then she should go
"No" then she should stay home
some places do have an age limit, although i'm not sure how well it could be enforced. But IMO if she's in costume it's all good. I remember being 15/16 and dressing up and going (but I had younger siblings so I had an excuse to use).
She is still a totally acceptable age to trick or treat.
We used to go in groups at that age all dressed up and Trick or Treat.. I guess once she is old enough to drive herself, that is too old to Trick or Treat.
I agree, she's still a kid so embrace that and let her go. You don't want her growing up faster than she needs to be. I get plenty of junior high kids coming through my neighborhood each year, it's fine.
Where I grew up we had teenagers dress up and take the little kids around.
The oldest in our group was a 19 yr old and it was good thing since a large dog lunged at a 5 yr old and the 19 yr old kicked the dog in the chops.
That was a vicious dog.
Where we are now, the county actually has a law where trick or treating is for 12 and younger - adults can escort the kids.
Sooo, I trick or treated all through high school, lol! My aunt did as well, so I guess it runs in the family. My two sons trick or treated, in costume, last year and they were sophomore and junior! I hope the go again this year too. I think any kid trick or treating is fine, but I do agree they should be in costume for sure when older. I would never turn a trick or treater away for being too old! I think I would go myself if I thought I could get away with it, ha ha!
I let my kids go until THEY thought they were too old -- innocence is youth. One of them went until 10th grade! Mostly they stopped at 7th-8th grade. Personally, I never mind seeing the older kids in costume! For my kids, it was all in fun anyway.
If she is not going to dress up than too old. But, if she is dressing up and still being fun and polite I think it's fine. If she's done with the dressing up, maybe you can compromise on taking her to a school or church carnival? She can go trick or treating and escort younger siblings/neighborhood kids.
I did trick or treating until I was 14 or 15 (always in costume) except at that age, I went with my friends.
12 was our last year growing up too. I only think that older than that can go if they are escorting younger siblings. 13 and up is when you go to actual haloween parties. Are you against hosting one yourself or getting together with another parent to do it? I think it's a good trade off.
of course let her go! 13 is not too old to go. I went when I was 18 and it was so much fun! I do look young for my age though.
13??? Why not let her enjoy her teens.
I have tons of teens come through. I don't check ages. Just dint be disrespectful to my property and ill give you a treat as long as you want to participate.
My youngest sister went trick or treating all through highschool and college....Then she continued to go, and took our oldest brothers kids. My sister is 26 now, and still trick or treats. ;)
As long as she's willing to actually dress up, go for it!
The cut-off age should be when she no longer wants to do it! I also have a 13 year old daughter and for her, it is now more of a social thing. They grow up so fast as it is. Let her be "childlike" for as long as she feels comfortable.
Hope you have fun!
Personally, I would just let her go - why not? The last time I went trick-or-treating I was 14, and then when I was 15 I decided for myself I was too old anymore. I agree with others regarding the older teens with no costume just looking for free candy - that's just annoying.
Personally, I believe that if you are willing to get dressed up, you can still trick or treat. I didn't stop going until I went to college...and I always had so much fun planning out my costume!
If she dresses up why not... I'm 34 and when I dress up to take out my kids (16, 7, 6, 4 & 1) I still get candy sometimes, and it is always people telling me "momma needs a peice too" - lol. They are just so happy to see people dressed up... since so many older kids refuse to dress up, but want the candy.
Never! Halloween is my favorite holiday! I'm 44 and still dress up and go out with my kids. If she wants to dress up, have fun and be a courteous teenager, why not? Happy Haunting!
I think high school is the "cut off" age. In my town there were tons of Halloween parties (costumed or not), alcohol and drug free that were 14-21 (had to bring a school ID or drivers license). Parents or Teachers chaperoned and there were local bands playing, blacklights, and glow sticks, and tons of fun. The parties lasted from about 7-midnight, and usually there was pizza and snacks provided. One year the party had scary movies to watch, with parental permission of course.
but 8th grade was the last year anyone trick or treated... and I was grounded... oops.
My parents let me go all through high school as long as I actually dressed in a costume (appropriate costume).
If shes dressing up....i hate it when older kids lamely want candy and dont participate in the costumes.
No, I don't think 13 is too old.... I would say 15 is getting there though :0)
WHAT? There's a cut off age for Trick or Treating? Guess I missed that memo!! lol!!! Seriously tho, I would let her go. My daughter is 14 and quit going about two years ago - I was really bummed because I think it's a fun thing to do. We live in a very small town and they do it up really big here. BUT I did have rules when she went - she absolutely had to be with a group; stay in the very populated areas; NEVER go to a dark house; and if she wanted to eat a piece of candy before coming home she had to make sure the wrapper was not tampered with. Then when she got home I would look it all over and pitch things that were not wrapped, looked yucky, etc. Have fun and good luck!!
I think it really depends. The rule of thumb is typically 12 but I think a 13 year old who wants to still go w/ their younger siblings it is ok. So is a group of 13 year olds who are just trying to have a little fun.
My son didn't want to go when he was 9 but then when he was 10, he decided he wanted to go w/ the neighbor's kids. When he was 15 he wanted to go out with a group of friends.
I think 13 is a little too old. It's OK to dress up but some people don't want to open thier doors to teens (mostly out of fear). When I lived in PA the town suggested that kids over 12 not go trick or treating.