As long as the nursettes aren't opened they should not make you open them or discard them. My son is almost 21 months and has been on 16 roundtrip flights and we have not had any issues...we fly out of Fort Lauderdale and West Palm.
One thing you should be aware of is that all of your liquid and gels products in your bag[besides the formula] need to be put into a quart size ziploc bag that you will have to remove and put into a bin that will goes through security with your diaper bag. This means any medicine, hand sanitizer, lotion, bath products, chapstick, diaper cream, anything that may have a soft or liquid consistency. The rule is that they all have to be 3oz containers or less but I am not certain if that also applies to baby products. I would try to bring the smallest sized containers you can find because can make you discard those items if they are bigger and they want to be sticklers to the rules.
You should also know that your daughter will have to be removed from whatever you are carrying her in to go through security. She must go through security in your arms [or holding your hand when she is walking on her own]. So if you are gate checking the stroller and/or carseat those items will also need to go through security, same with a sling or front/hip carrier. So you want to be sure that whatever you carry her in is easy for you to either fold up or get her in and out of.
I would definitely bring powdered formula with you and if she is eating any jarred food or finger food snacks, I would bring some of that too, just in case. I would bring enough for two or three feeding beyond what you are expecting her to eat.
Good luck and I hope this helps!