Wow, I'm really shocked your Dr is letting you go. I had one of my children at 37wks, one at 38 & one at 39, and with already having one, it's possible you could go into labor early. Technically, 37wks is considered full term. I really am shocked that your Dr is letting you go! I know that it's an AWESOME deal, and I would absolutely hate to pass it up, but I would definitely pass it up (even being a mom of 3, pregnant with #4, no family to ever help, and never a break). There's just so much that could happen, especially needing a c-section if you do go into labor. I'm even surprised the airline would let you board when your that far along, with or without a note. You also have to think about this, Vegas is a place for walking. You will be walking a LOT and I mean a LOT, you'll be exhausted, sore, and your feet will be killing you. (The plane trip alone will probably be miserable.) Also, with all of that walking, you could be inducing labor. Wow, that sure is a terrible terrible thing to have to give up....but, you really need to way the pros (as great as they may be) and the cons/risks. Do you have a friend or know of someone that could desperately use this trip that you could transfer it to? I just wouldn't dare do it for many reasons after 32-34wks, especially not at full term.