Traveling for Thanksgiving

Updated on March 17, 2008
C.B. asks from Wichita, KS
23 answers

I am 34 weeks pregnant. My husband and I have been planning on traveling by car 18 hours to visit family. Has anyone traveled that late in pregnancy? I know that we will need to make frequent stops. What other things should I be considering?

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So What Happened?

My husband and I have decuided not to go out of town. We will spend the holiday with our family that is here. We don't want to take any chances! Thank all of you for your input. It has really helped us to make our decision.

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answers from Savannah on

sitting in the front seat can allow you to lay down some. Take a pillow or two. I travelled at the same time in my pregnancy and to be honest it was very uncomfortable. Take frequent stops, it will make the trip longer, but more bearable. But mainly, take pillows

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answers from Philadelphia on

Hello there C.,

I think that an 18 hour car ride with you that late in pregnancy could turn out to be a two day car ride. I don't know that I would even attempt to do it! Be sure to have many pillows and blankets in the front seat with you so that you can situate yourself comfortably. Maybe even talk with your doctor to see if he/she has any suggestions.

Good luck and happy holidays!


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answers from Wichita on

Yes I have traveled that late in my preg. You need to make sure your doc ok it before you go. You do have to make stops because you can get bloodclotes in your legs if u dont you need to stop and walk around for around a least 5 min every cuple of hours.

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answers from St. Louis on

Hope all went well with your delivery...boy or girl?



answers from Springfield on

you need to check with your ob doc to make sure traveling that great of a distance is safe for you at this stage of the game. good luck and happy thanksgiving!!!



answers from Lawton on

I traveled when I was 39 weeks pregnant I drove from lawton to California which takes about 19 hours I made sure I had a copy of my medical records but it was fine.



answers from Springfield on

Honestly, that sounds like a really bad idea. I'm sure your doctor will object. If you were to go into labor there's no way you would make it back home in time. You also need to consider the insurance aspect of it, is there a hospital where you are going that will be covered by your insurance if you need to be seen?



answers from Kansas City on

Hey C.!

Congratulations on your pregnancy and Happy Thanksgiving! Bless your heart, that's a long way to travel for anyone much less being pregnant. 18 hrs. - that's making me hurt just thinking about a journey that long! :)

We live far from home too - 12 hrs. Although I'm not pregnant, we won't be going home for Thanksgiving b/c that's just too far to travel with 2 small kids just for Thanksgiving (we're planning a trip home in the spring). But in your case, I'm not sure that I would travel that distance right now. I know you want to go home for the holidays (I completely understand that) but I'm sure your family will understand if you don't make the trip. :)

But, if you decide to go here are SOME THINGS TO CONSIDER (which I'm sure you already have): always check in with your doct. before making a long trip in your last trimester. Also take along copies of your medical records (just in case) and it might not hurt to search out some hospitals along the way too. You never know what might happen so plan to have an extra bag with supplies like blankets, etc. just in case the car breaks down (especially if you're traveling where it may be cold).

Take lots of pillows to support your arms and put behind your back. I had lots of back pain when I was pregnant so if you do too the ride may make it worse. Make MANY STOPS and plan to stay somewhere overnight definitely! Take snacks and bottled water along for the trip too.

Best of luck for a happy & safe trip during this holiday season! :)



answers from Topeka on

I traveled that late in the pregnancy and my son was still born and the doctor told me it was a circulation issue. Granted now we were traveling from georgia to florida, a ten hour trip. I would not recommend it this late in the pregnancy, besides if family wants to see you they should make there way to you and hubby seeming as most of them have had children and know that travel period is hard on a normal non-pregnant persons body. Good luck in whatever you decide and happy holidays.



answers from Springfield on

DONT DO IT!!!! My dr. would NEVER let me travel past 32 weeks. I wanted to go on a trip 2 hours away when I was 33 weeks and my dr. said NO WAY! Stopping every now and then will help make you more comfortable, but what if something goes wrong, what if you go into labor. Do you want to be away from home in a situation? What if you are in a remote area and have no idea where the hospital is...or it is far away? I thought it would be fine to be 2 hours away, but there are times that labor happens quickly and 2 hours wouldn't get me home in time. I have had 4 first was a 5 hour labor then the last 3 were 3 hours or less. It is not just a risk for you, but the baby, too. A lot of people have suggested stopping to make yourself comfortable, and make sure you have hospital info where you are going...but you are going to be in the car for at least 36 hours...what if something happens in the car...

Stay home and cozy up with your spouse and relax for one of the last times for a while!



answers from Springfield on

You should probably discuss this with your doctor. I wasn't able to travel after 32 weeks. I stayed at home after 32 weeks because I wanted to make sure that I was around my doctor if I went into labor early.



answers from St. Louis on

Check with your doctor first to make sure you are good for traveling that far so late in your pregnancy. Get some numbers of ob's in the area where you will be traveling, or a hospital number for the OB ward so yo have it on hand....just in case. If your doctor says you should be good to go, then I would think you are fine.



answers from Kansas City on

I traveled at 30 weeks by airplane for a one hour flight and went into labor. Id say don't do it.



answers from St. Louis on

First of all - i would let your doctor know & make sure he gives you the ok.

Drink plenty of water & make frequent stops like you mentioned.

I went into labor w/my first at 35 wks , the 2nd at 34 wks & 3rd at 38 wks. Just be prepared in case you do go into labor somewhere away from home- that you have all the paperwork, clothes needed....
Have a safe trip.



answers from Joplin on

Have you discussed this with your doctor? The OB I had with my first son and the OB I have now said no way to letting me travel that far away this late in the game (I will be 33 1/2 weeks as of Thanksgiving). A couple of hours, max. Just be sure that if your doc does say okay that you take with you any necessary medical information just in case. Best of luck to you and hope you have a safe and happy turkey day!



answers from Oklahoma City on

I know you have decided to not make the trip, but I hope it isn't because you were scared off by the horror stories. Every woman is different. When I was 34 weeks pregnant with my son, I drove myself ten hours from Tennessee to Florida! If you are feeling fine, and your doctor says it is okay, you should go. You will enjoy seeing your family and they will love seeing you too! Keep in mind that after that baby comes, that 18 hour drive will be nearly impossible for awhile.

If you could break up the trip into two nine-hour days, you would be even better off. But even if you have to do the straight through drive, just follow the suggestions of drinking a lot of water, eating healthy foods, bringing pillows to stay comfortable, being prepared in case the car has a problem, bringing your medical records, and researching an OB in the area you will be visiting. By the way, despite what you see on TV, even if you did go into labor (which I seriously doubt would happen due to a long ride), you would likely have PLENTY of time to find a good place to have that baby. You aren't going to have her on the side of the road!

It sounds like you already made your decision, but if you truly want to go, you should!!!



answers from Columbia on

At 34 weeks I would discuss taking a copy of your medical records with you just in case.



answers from Kansas City on

I traveled at 34 weeks for a funeral, my dr knew and said to stop every 1-2 hours and walk for 5min. I will tell you I went in to labor on the way home which was scary and totally crazy! Luckily for us we were close enough to home by that time and I was able to deliver with my normal dr and was so glad because there were complications because she was so early. I would not recommend traveling this far in to the pregnancy and I personally will not do it again.



answers from Oklahoma City on

Be very aware of your circulation. One thing I learned was to drink gatoraid because it would help keep away leg cramps.



answers from Peoria on

When I was late in my pregnancy and I traveled more than 4 hrs away my Dr. wanted me to take my medical paperwork with in case anything happened. Just thought I'd let you know. Ask your Dr. about it.



answers from Oklahoma City on

Be sure this is okay with your doctor! This is awful late to in a pregnancy to be getting so far away from your doctor and hospital. Personally, I wouldn't do it.



answers from Tulsa on

You should call your OBGYN office and ask for copies of your medical (pregnancy related) records to take along with you. (At least, that is whay my OBGYN did when I traveled.) Also, I believe that you are supposed to get out of the car every couple of hours and walk around (but I can't remember why... I think to keep the blood circulating).



answers from Bloomington on

My wife and I drove from Illinois to Pennsylvania for holidays when she was 32 weeks (but with a possibility of early birth). That's about 4 hours less than you are planning to travel. Get a copy of your records to take with you, just incase you need to visit a doctor while out of town. I looked up hospitals along the route, just to assuage our fears in-case anything happened. Bring lots of blankets and pillows to get comfortable, and in case something happens to the car and you are without power. Bring 2-3" candle - it'll give off enough heat to keep everyone from freezing. Make sure that you both have your cell-phones charged and on your person. Our biggest concern was weather - but she was only 32 weeks. You may want to make alternative return plans in-case something about your condition changes while actually visiting that would prevent your return by car.

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