Ditto what Deanna Leigh said!
I have NO idea WHY on earth... "detaching" and "weaning" a baby/child is such a hard pressed issue and so hastened....just because of a "numeric" age. In our culture... this is more of a "priority" versus other cultures. Or, Mom's feel "pressured" or self-conscious about it that their baby is "STILL" on the breast or bottle. It seems, detaching our kids from things is such a big deal...when it doesn't have to be.
I'm not criticizing you personally, just the frustration with this "idea" that kids have to detach and not get what they need, and that it has to be done "quickly."
Sorry, just I see this all the time.... and then we wonder why the baby/child is having a hard time with it.
Really, there is no great "rush" to HAVE to wean from the bottle by a "deadline." MANY MANY children, even at 2 years old and older, are still taking a bottle for their Milk. This is normal.
It does not have to be a "battle" unless that is what you and he want.
My son, is 26 months old. At night, before bed, he STILL likes to have his milk from his bottle. It's okay with me, so what? At any other times, he drinks it and anything else from a regular cup and is perfectly capable. But just for night before bed, he "likes" his bottle. It's okay.
Whether from boob or bottle.....it is a "weaning" process. YES, and they DO want their "milk" IN A BOTTLE still. It's milk...they associate it with a "nipple" and it's a normal instinct in them, and it's comforting... this is what a baby knows and where "milk" comes from.
Main thing, is however you decide to wean him, it is peaceful. AND that he is not "banished" from being able to have milk completely. They still need their nutrition everyday.
With both my kids, I breastfed and let them self-wean- and it was a great boost that our Pediatrician is a BIG fan of breastfeeding and weaning that is up to the Mom. With my eldest child, she weaned by herself at about 2.5 years old. My youngest child, weaned himself at about 1 year old.....BUT, he still likes milk in his bottle before bed. So I got him "weaned" down to just night time. Then gradually, I will make the appearance of the bottle less and less. That's just the way I am. Every Mom is different. But my kids did not have any problems "weaning"... as I tried to make it as natural and "un-forced" as I could.
In the end, just do as YOU feel is best. I just had to get my yah-yah's out. "Weaning" is such a "controversial" subject... you will get MANY different approaches here. Do what is in your heart and in your gut, for both you and your son....
All the best, sorry for rambling,