Transitioning from the Bottle to the Sippy Cup

Updated on October 26, 2008
L.H. asks from Murrieta, CA
7 answers

Hi there. My son has been drinking water or juice out of a sippy cup since he was 6 months old. When I first started giving him milk at a year old, I started it out in a bottle because I was using the milk to help transition away from nursing 5 times a day and he was used to drinking breast milk occasionally from a bottle. We successfully got off the breast at 13 1/2 months. It's been a little over a month since then and I have been trying to get my son to drink milk out of a sippy instead since I know that he's not supposed to be on a bottle anymore. We didn't try really hard at first because he was still getting used to not breastfeeding. He takes water and juice just fine out of a sippy, but does not want to drink milk from it. When I instisted on giving him his afternoon/after nap milk in a sippy the last 2 days he has freaked out. I put up with his bad attitude over it for up to 2 hours today and finally couldn't take it anymore (especially because I was sick) and switched it to a bottle and he was instanly happy and back to his good natured self. I don't want to play a battle of wills with my son over this. My son is a normally well adjusted and goes with the flow, except for this. Any suggestions on how to get my son off the bottle and totally on the sippy without having to battle him?

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answers from Los Angeles on

He's 'tranisitioning' just like you said and that takes time. First, he had to be weaned from the breast and now the bottle. It's a lot for a little person to handle and sometimes it just takes time. My son didn't give up his bottle until well after 15 months, and it was fine.

There are not set guidelines about when he HAS to be using a cup, just suggested. Give him a break, and yourself. His freak out wasn't 'bad attitude' just confusion and frustration. When we started letting go of the bottle, I had to start offering the opposite...milk in cup (NUBY) and diluted juice in the bottle and put them both on the table. At first, it was a battle and it took associating 'milk' with his meals, for him to get over the bottle.

While you're in the process of BIG changes like this try to talk your son through them...explain things to him, he'll get it with consistency and patient. Kids can easily pick up on our stress and frustration, this creates road blocks for everyone!

Just take your time, and be patient...your little one will get it done eventually.

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answers from Honolulu on

Ditto what Deanna Leigh said!

I have NO idea WHY on earth... "detaching" and "weaning" a baby/child is such a hard pressed issue and so hastened....just because of a "numeric" age. In our culture... this is more of a "priority" versus other cultures. Or, Mom's feel "pressured" or self-conscious about it that their baby is "STILL" on the breast or bottle. It seems, detaching our kids from things is such a big deal...when it doesn't have to be.
I'm not criticizing you personally, just the frustration with this "idea" that kids have to detach and not get what they need, and that it has to be done "quickly."

Sorry, just I see this all the time.... and then we wonder why the baby/child is having a hard time with it.

Really, there is no great "rush" to HAVE to wean from the bottle by a "deadline." MANY MANY children, even at 2 years old and older, are still taking a bottle for their Milk. This is normal.
It does not have to be a "battle" unless that is what you and he want.

My son, is 26 months old. At night, before bed, he STILL likes to have his milk from his bottle. It's okay with me, so what? At any other times, he drinks it and anything else from a regular cup and is perfectly capable. But just for night before bed, he "likes" his bottle. It's okay.

Whether from boob or is a "weaning" process. YES, and they DO want their "milk" IN A BOTTLE still. It's milk...they associate it with a "nipple" and it's a normal instinct in them, and it's comforting... this is what a baby knows and where "milk" comes from.

Main thing, is however you decide to wean him, it is peaceful. AND that he is not "banished" from being able to have milk completely. They still need their nutrition everyday.

With both my kids, I breastfed and let them self-wean- and it was a great boost that our Pediatrician is a BIG fan of breastfeeding and weaning that is up to the Mom. With my eldest child, she weaned by herself at about 2.5 years old. My youngest child, weaned himself at about 1 year old.....BUT, he still likes milk in his bottle before bed. So I got him "weaned" down to just night time. Then gradually, I will make the appearance of the bottle less and less. That's just the way I am. Every Mom is different. But my kids did not have any problems "weaning"... as I tried to make it as natural and "un-forced" as I could.

In the end, just do as YOU feel is best. I just had to get my yah-yah's out. "Weaning" is such a "controversial" subject... you will get MANY different approaches here. Do what is in your heart and in your gut, for both you and your son....

All the best, sorry for rambling,

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answers from Los Angeles on

Have you tried adding a little Quick or Hershey syrup to the milk. JUst until he starts to like it, then decrease and eliminate the chocolate.
Good luck



answers from San Diego on

I just went through this with my 15 month old. He loved water in a sippy cup as long as it had a straw. Then I jsut kept trying the milk. He finally took, about a week later when I gave it to him with his meals. Now he is much better. We still have days where he would prefer water to milk in a sippy cup but they are so rare. I also introduced a new cup which is the standard sippy cup where they have to tip it and it has Elmo on it which he LOVES. Now he is a pro. He knows to tip the cup. I have started to only use the straw sippy cup for water and the tilt back sippy cup for milk. He has fun with it now and will point to which cup he wants. He really does not like a bottle much at all anymore. I would highly recommend the straw sippy cup first to get him used to the taste with little effort and he drinks more, then introduce a new cup as a reward. It tricks them:) Good luck. Keep trying he will get used to it.



answers from Las Vegas on

hello there. i'm having the same exact problem with my 15 month old. he will drink juice and water from a sippy cup just fine but once i put milk in it he will literally throw it at me. i tried to put water in the bottle when he cries for a bottle but then i feel like he's not getting enough milk. i'm sorry i can't be more help to you but just wanted you to know that your not alone. if you do get any good suggestions would you mind letting me know..thanks soo much



answers from Los Angeles on

hmm wow. dont think its bad that hes still on a bottle since you just got him off breast feeding because its a comfort thing to him. people said i took my daughter off the bottle too early because she was fully off a bottle at 7 months and 3 days old. its normal for them not to want to drink milk from a cup when they get it from a bottle. maybe try to only put water in the bottle so he wont want it anymore. also maybe try the nuby cups that have the soft nipple like a bottle or even a straw cup. i hope this helps good luck!!!



answers from Los Angeles on

I am also in the process of the power struggle. But I seem to be winning. I give him a bottle when he wakes up and then before bed. (And yes, I did cave and give him bottles periodically during the day when we started this change because he wasn't get the nutrition he needed) Only sippy cups for milk and juice (lunch only) during the day. In the beginning my son wouldn't drink during the day unless he was really thirsty. Now I have gotten him to drink about 2 cups of milk out of a cup and of course the juice (I only give him the fruit/Vegi juice from V8 or Juicey Juice so he is also getting some vegetable nutrition). My son is also showing that he wants to drink out or regular water bottles and cups with no lid.

At this point he knows that he will still get his morning and evening bottles, which makes him happy. I have been working on this transition for 4 months. I think he will be ready to cut out these 2 bottles soon.

For us, I have noticed that the type of sippy cup I give him almost dictates if he will drink out of it. You might want to experiment with other cups to see if your son prefers one over another. You also might want to try giving him a water bottle with a pop top. When I am out and about and drinking from one of these bottles, my son wants to too... they want to be like us.

good luck

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