A toddler bed is for toddlers, usually up to 3 years old. You might skip the toddler bed and just go for a twin or larger. My neice just put her son into his Queenbed at 2, they bought for him to be his bed until he leaves home. They are going to wander around that's why you have to make sure your house is "baby proof", laundry soap up, chocolate syrup put up, guess why I know that...yes, it's fun to wake up to messes.
I have real issues with kids in the kitchen so this was a very hard step for me. I don't mind the crawling in bed during the night but I really hate cleaning sticky dried messes. We put a very sensitive monitor in the bedroom/bathroom area and we turned it up to the loudest we could. If she's been in a baby bed and can't get out I assume she's not potty trained. Put a doorknob protector on the bathroom door, water flooding is not fun to clean either, plus hot water can leave permanant burn scars, also the toilet and bathtub are big enough she can drown.