I put my daughter into a toddler bed when she was a year old. She slept in the bed all night and in the morning she would wake up and come in to my room. What I did is take her pillow one night and slept with it, it put my scent on it. Maybe it will comfort her enough through the night to sleep all the way through. My daughter used to wake up EARLY in the morning like it was still dark, she has a night light in her room and if she was not crying I did not go in there cause she needed to know that mommy and daddy were still asleep. She would play with her toys and eventually if she got tired she would go and crawl back in her bed and go to sleep. I had a hard time with making my daughter go to sleep in her bed instead of just rocking her to sleep. I would shut the door and she would cry and knock on the door to open it and then she would eventually go to sleep right in front of the door and I would pick her up and put her in her bed. I hope maybe this advice will help...Good Luck!