My daughter started kindergarden this past year and she is also very sweet and mild mannered. I worried that she would not stand up for herself. She has learned to be a little more aggressive. Some kids are just mean and all of them say mean things at one time or another. I tell my daughter to just be herself and if someone is not nice then to ignore them. However, I also tell her that if someone is doing something to her that she doesn't like - taking her things or messing with her - that she should tell them, "Stop. I don't like it when you do that." or she should tell the teacher if it continues. I don't want her to be a tattle tale, but she is young enough to need intervention if someone is really giving her a hard time. The teacher said during our parent teacher conference that she was worried about her at the beginning of the year but that she had started standing up for herself, which is great. I am also shocked at some of the things they say. They are friends one day, then the next day they say, "I am not your friend." All normal, apparently. Role play some situations with your daughter. Some times the best response is no response at all.