Our pediatrican was concerned that around 4 or 5 months of age I was over-feeding my son but he would cry terribly if I didn't feed him. He was always in the 97th or higher percentile for height and weight. He was taking close to 40 ounces a day and the ped wanted him around 30 ounces. I cut each of his bottles by 1/2 ounce which put the daily total around 35, any less than that and we were both miserable. After a few months he grew out of that stage. His height and weight became average and have remained so. Solid foods helped, but I was advised no solids until 6 months. (I had also tried increasing the amount of formula at each feeding thinking that if he had a little more in each bottle then he would be satisfied for longer, take fewer bottles and have a lower total. That didn't work because he would be full before finishing the greater amount.)
My kids were slow at taking their bottles so finishing a bottle in 3-4 minutes seems fast to me. But we did use the slow nipples.
If I didn't burp them at least once in the middle of a feeding they would spit up soon afterward.
Hope something here is useful to you. Good luck!