Toilet training...ready? Not Ready?

Updated on August 03, 2011
R.S. asks from Chicago, IL
5 answers

Our daughter just turned 2 and has been preferring to go naked rather than wear a diaper...she rips it off every chance she gets. We've had a potty chair for quite some time and at first she just played with it, put her stuffed animals on it, etc, but more recently she has been telling us she wants to "go poop" on the potty chair. So, we bring her to it...and wait, and wait, and wait...
Clearly, she knows she has to go and is wanting to go in the chair. What keeps happening is that we don't wait long enough with her (maybe 7 or 8 minutes max) and we give up, put on a new diaper, and within 5 minutes the diaper is dirty. I feel like I'm getting this all wrong...of course, being 41 weeks pregnant, I don't have a heck of a lot of patience right now! Any tips? Thanks!

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answers from Milwaukee on

I don't know if this will help, but hopefully it will make you laugh...this morning my 3 1/2 yr old son came in our b-room and said he had to go 'poop' he goes and sits down - you know. He's not in there very long and he comes back out..."did you go?" "no, mommy-it wouldn't come out"...I said -well, maybe you didn't wait long enough-want to try again?

Him: No, mommy, I don't think it will come out, I think it got stuck in my poop holder.


In answer to your question-she's probably not ready-I'd continue to encourage, but let it go, especially since you are ready to delivery any moment!

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answers from Portland on

Sounds like she's ready. I would continue to encourage her. She'll get it with practice. Yes, it takes patience. Perhaps you could put the potty in a room that you have things to do or in which you can just sit down and wait.
Give her books and/or toys so that she stays on long enough.



answers from Portland on

It sounds to me like you're expecting your daughter to sort out her urges/sensations in a pretty short time. Even my grandson, nearly up to the age of 5, needed a good 10-20 minutes to accomplish pooping, and he appreciated a grownup sitting nearby reading him a book during the tedious process. How about just relaxing with her (relaxation is good – it allows body functions to proceed normally), and reading or having a fun conversation?

There are also parents who keep a potty seat in the child's main play area during early training, or even watch potty videos while the child is sitting.

Another thing that helped with my grandson's early days was to present a "play" or "potty party" with his stuffed toys while he sat. I'd line them up at a pretend potty (a can or tub) and they would take turns sitting, grunting a bit, and producing a little lump of playdoh mixed to a nice brown. All would congratulate, and the next toy took a turn.

It can be tricky to get the right amount of focus on the process. Too much can actually freeze the attempt by taking the child's attention away from the whole process. Too little can remove the sense that the child is accomplishing something of value, and helping her notice useful sensations while her body is doing its thing.

Here's a wonderful, informative website you might find helpful. It gives a few variations on"readiness" checklists, plus tips on various training strategies, the best ages to start them, and the advantages and disadvantages of each approach:


answers from Los Angeles on

It sounds like she's interested but not quite ready yet. And with you being soooooooo pregnant, bless your heart, why not put it off a few months until life has settled down some for you, her and the entire family? As much as she may be looking forward to a new sibling, it will mean changes for her and many children regress after a new sib arrives anyway. They need a stress-free climate to deal with toilet training.

Leave the potty out for her to see in the room you'll be spending the most time in, let her sit if she wants (for much longer than 7 or 8 minutes because it will take awhile, lol) and she may figure it out on her own. But if not start anew when you're ready.

God bless, and congrats on your new baby ƸӜƷ


answers from Norfolk on

Close, but not quite ready yet.
Even if she trained right now, you can expect her to back track when the new baby gets here.
Wait a few more months and try it again once you've rested up a bit.

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