Toddlers Second Molars

Updated on April 20, 2012
S.F. asks from Ogdensburg, NY
3 answers

My daughter is 28 months and she just started to get her second set of moloars maybe last week. I had read somewhere that all the baby teeth should be in by 30 months so I am always checking just to see and sure enough they were coming in the other day during one of my checks. At about the same time I noticed the teeth she started to get really sleepy and tired. She def. still has her energetic moments but she just seems more tired and cranky this past week. She doesnt have a cold/fever or anything that would indicate she is tired from something like that so I started to think that maybe the two are related. Is it common for a toddler to get sleepy and cranky from teething like a baby would? Other than the tiredness and the obvious attitude that a 2 yr old has on a daily basis anyway she isnt complaining of any pain or discomfort. Her cheeks arent red and she doesnt even say that her mouth hurts when I ask her about it
Thanks in advance and Happy Friday!

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answers from Savannah on

She might be more sleepy because she is waking up frequently at night (due to teething). She might be going right back to sleep, but it is still disruptive to her sleep.

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answers from Bloomington on

I asked our kids dentist about " teething symptoms". She said teething can suppress a toddlers immune system. So, she may just be feeling a little run downs & hurting a little bit.

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answers from Dallas on

My daughter was very cranky due to those molars. But she was also tired due to waking up at night. Those molars gave her a hard time, I suggest letting her nap if she does and I would let my girl have a cold snack to ease any discomfort. Hope this helps.

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