Hey Ma,
I have potty trained 3 boys sucessfully LOL
And what works is to always poop train on a POTTY not the toilet, because their feet touch the ground and they can relax,
second thing I do is always try for a POOP in the morning
Eat a soft dinner the night before such as pasta with sauce, or stewed chicken or beef
Then when she wakes up immediately go to her room and undress her, and place her on the potty.
have your morning coffee ready and drink some
( its a natural stimulant)
Give her a sip or 2 to help her go.
If you don't feel comfortable with that, try oatmeal.
works just as well
she can wear a Tshirt, but naked on the bottom LOL
Hopefully you feel the urge to go aswell LOL
and you take her with you, keeping the lights off.
and no conversation.
When you finish let her see the poop, and let her flush it.
and make her sit on the potty til she goes, it might take a while usually 20 minutes,
If after 20 minutes she still isn't ready to go,
let her get up,
Show her the reward ( I use reeses pieces )
You can even give her ONE to kind a wet her appetite for them.
show her your setting the timer 20 minutes( I use the microwave timer)
keep her involved in all aspects.And when it goes off put her back on the potty.
Hopefully she will go. But if not thats ok,
bring the potty out to the TV room and put on a movie she will sit to watch, and have her sit on the potty to watch it, tell her she must sit there til she gives you a poop.
and give her ONE reeses pieces.
Eventually she will go.
But it might take a while. so be prepared to spend the day at it,
IF she does go Poop, Get crazy excited and sing a song while dancing with her, ( I sing poopy in the potty, poopy in the potty) and show her what is done with the poop dump it in the toilet, and then have her flush.
call everyone to brag about their poops LOL my sister, my friends, my mom, grandma , everyone so they can praise them.
give her a bowl or cup with plenty of candies, afterall it needs to be a worthy reward for a repeat episode.
After she eats, and poops, give her her loose fitting big girl undies that are easy to take off and pull down.
She will have accidents. so keep plenty of papertowel on hand LOL
As for the holding, they almost all hold it in, the longest we've gone was 3 days but usually it ends up in the nap time diaper LOL
Good luck!!