Hi N.! Sometimes they want to grow up faster then we want to let go!! It's great that Raven is doing so well with her maturing and at a yound age too!! Go Mom!!! If you feel it is time to end the nursing I would start there, it shouldn't be too difficult since she's only nursing at naptime! Try snuggling with a book before nap instead. This will give you both the closness desired and cuddles and a story are never a bad idea!! As for the potty, do you have a chair set up already? My girls both followed me to the bathroom from about 8mo. I had their chair set up in there so they could enjoy it diaper on. They knew early on what I was doing on the toilet, so they understood what their chair was for early on. Also a lot of potty issues come from a fear of the chair, so if you don't have one in the bathroom yet get one and just let her get used to seeing, sitting on it, looking inside of it, pouring water in it. All of this will eliminate the "scary" associated with the potty. She'll be going in no time!! As far as the bed, I think you are still okay for awhile. When you do transition, if you choose to use a totally new bed and have the space, leave the crib up for awhile, maybe let dolly sleep in there. Our kids have a very strong bond with their crib (they have spent most of their days in there, it's kinda a big deal!!) so keep it close for awhile! Good luck (as if you need it, sound like you are totally on the right track!!)