I am not trying to scare you but my big (really she is very petite) sister (she is 51 now) had this issue as an infant and child. Before MRIs and all the hi-tech stuff nowadays. My mom was an RN and took her everywhere, including JohnsHopkins, who told her to treat her normal,her nerves were not developing properly on that side. Well she did "straighten up" in time. BUT!
She never could carry a baby past 3 months, then in fertility treatments, nothing worked. The fertility drugs (hormones can feed cancers) caused issues, well guess what? Her eye doc sent her straight to neurologist, then neurosurgeon, brain tumor, she had had it ALL ALONG! even as a child, but there were no diagnostic tools back then. I advise you to go to a doc, and keep going til you get an MRI, UC Davis is awesome, I hope you wind up there. My sister has had brain surgery, radiation and chemo. She is our miracle though! I just wish they could've found & treated when she was little. Dont let the docs poohpooh you, insist on an MRI. Her tumor is not comrised of "bad cells" but it is in a very dangerous place (brain stem). Good luck and if you dont get the help you need, get back on here, I will hook you up with her, she runs BT support groups now.