Halls Vitamin C ...that is what my 23 year old daughter takes and they work. With her alleriges she used to get sick all the time and now she is hardly ever sick. She takes one every day.
Hey mommies!
I am seeking some advice on building my 2 and 1/2 yo daughter's immune system. For the first two years of her life, she rarely got sick (maybe two colds)... then we started taking her to pre-school. She has been in school for about 6 months now and I feel like she is constantly sick. I know that the little ones need to build up their immunities but she gets sick every month it seems. Then, without fail, either my husband or I (or both) get sick too.
Any recommendations for quality vitamins or supplements or natural remedies that are kid-safe that can help strengthen her immune system and fight off all of those pre-school germs? She is a relatively good eater and enjoys eating fruits and veggies so I don't feel like her diet is severely lacking anything.
Halls Vitamin C ...that is what my 23 year old daughter takes and they work. With her alleriges she used to get sick all the time and now she is hardly ever sick. She takes one every day.
It sounds like she has a good diet with fruits and veggies but another important detail to consider is the amount of fat she intakes. Considering the chicken strips or nuggets, fries, burgers, etc. Fat actually slows the system down and interferes with the nutritional foods she eats. Beware of the amount of fried foods and the oils used to cook with. Making sure she is constantly washing her hands rigorously (sing the ABC's while washing hands) and take her clothes off as soon as she gets home. Germs live on clothes! Try giving her some green tea (warm) and see if she'll take it, maybe a dollop of honey in it. Probiotics are helpful too and resting in between for the body to build the immunities and fight off the attacks also help. Good luck!
Also, stay clear from ready processed foods as much as possible.
Put her on I-Flora Probiotics for Kids and Juice Plus or a generic version...they're everywhere. ALso Nordic Naturals DHA for kids, strawberry flavored.
Unfortunatly, I think it's normal. My kids didn't start school until preschool (age 4), but they were basically sick throughout the winter months here for the first couple of years of school. Now in 1st grade and 3rd grade they haven't really had anything at all this year (so far so good). I make sure they wash their hands as soon as they get home from school and I do lysol their backpack handles and clean their lunchboxes with vinegar - especially during these winter months here. Other than that, lots of citrus fruit (vit C), and plenty of fluids. Just think, in years to come she will have a great immune system built up to alot of common viruses!!!!
Vitamins are good for the body when proper nutrition is not being met. I actually had a very nice discussion about this with my OB/GYN. Our immune system is a wonderful thing. It is always working, not just working when we are sick to purge our bodies of whatever has infected it but it is also working to keep us from getting sick. Getting proper nutrition is good, getting enough sleep is essential too. BUT, mastering at keeping our hands out of our eyes, nose, and mouth, now we are talking about staying healthy! Our eyes, nose, and mouth are ideal points of entry for germs to enter our bodies and then we are sick. There is a myth that so many people believe that getting sick is building the immune system. My doctor told me this is simply not true! Why? Because, you can never catch the same virus twice. Once you have a cold and that cold is over, there are millions of other strains to pick up. The key to NOT picking them up is to ensure that proper hand washing is in effect at all times. Our immune system is not the healthiest when we are sick. No, instead, it is strongest when we are NOT sick. Vitamins do not fight germs. But proper hand washing does.
You mentioned she is in pre-school. I'm betting she puts a lot of things in her mouth with hands that haven't been washed properly. I'm also betting there are plenty of other sick children in her class, sneezing, coughing, touching the very things your daughter is touching....and putting in her mouth. The best advice I can give, because this is what my doctor told me is to start teaching proper hand washing. You might also start teaching her to not put her hands in her mouth, eyes, or nose. You can also suggest to the school that help her wash her hands before eating. All of these things will help her to not get sick but she is still very young so unless an adult is guiding her and helping her, there isn't much you can do unless the school helps by washing her hands and even disinfecting the room she is in on a daily basis. I'm sure they will not be willing to do that...but it's worth asking. My school aged children are rarely sick because I've taught them from an early age to keep their hands clean and out of those places I mentioned above.
Some friends and I were just talking about this today!
My family has been organic eaters for about a year now. We don't get sick as often. I know everyone isn't a believer in organics, but it can only help, not hurt!
I think the best way is to make sure her friendly bacteria is in great shape- for you and your husband too. In the last 18 years the best I have found is Simplexity, contact me or just call them. Bifidus for your little one, and acidophulus for you and your husband. This company works w/ the university that does the best work on on probiotics, and a very amazing product.
Not the time to go cheap.
best, K
Hi C.,
I'm so sorry your daughter is getting sick so often. From your message, it's sounds like you all need to build up your immune systems.
Here are my recommendations for quality vitamins and supplements . . .
Healthy Babies & Kids products:
Healthy nutrition for adults:
4 Products That Will Change Your Life - a recorded webinar:
January Special ... Get a free sampler pack worth over $100:
I'm a distributor with the company and use many of the products. If you have any questions or need more information, I'm happy to talk with you. I don't login to this site very often, so the best way to contact me is thru my website. Click any of the links and look for the Contact Me button or my phone number.
Good luck to you.
does she eat sugar? sugar weakens the immune system.
So instead of giving you a remedy, I'm giving you a suggestion for avoidance. Sugar is in everything processed. So really it's best to avoid packaged, processed foods. They are junk. Someone mentioned organics. Yea, it's great: organic fresh whole grains, veg and fruit. Too much fruit is too much sugar too. I know some will laugh but it's serious. Check out a great book called Suicide by Sugar by Dr Nancy Appleton. It blew me away.
But, yes, your kid will get sick more often at school. Parents dump their kids off at school when they're sick and then the stuff gets passed on. But if you're armed with a good solid immune system......
Probiotics are great, but don't give your kid yogurt, dairy produces phlegm and that's help get sick the yogurt also usually has sugar added and then as a total joke, they ADD probiotics!!!! Eat nuts, stick close to nature and yes, keep clean.
I would get her flintstones vitamins for daily use and give her one a day but with her being around kids in school she is bound to get a cold once a month i think is normal i thik i had a slight cold every month i was in public school
This is pretty normal. When they first start school, whether it be preschool or kindergarten, they become exposed to so much and are pretty much sick non stop for 6-12 months. Then there immune system has been exposed to a wide variety of germs and they don't get sick as much, and when they do, it usually isn't so bad. Your immune system will get better exposed too. Eventually when she gets to grade school she will be one of the well ones while the others that started school later are catching up with being sick.