My favorite cookbooks are:
Baby and Toddler Meals for Dummies
Idiots Guide to Feeding Your Baby and Toddler
At nearly 2 years old your child needs to go to a Pediatric Dentist to have them checked for medical issues in the mouth, and perhaps an ORL (Eye, ear, nose, and throat) doctor to make sure this isn't a medical issue. Our Pediatric Dentist took one look in K's mouth and said "She has Geographic Tongue". I added a link from wiki below. For an example of how it effects her: She can be eating mac and cheese for weeks and one day goes to eat a bite and gags and pukes if she continues to try and eat it. The wiki article shows pictures of what it can look like on a bad day but it doesn't even have to have any spots for it to be effecting her.
Baby food has little to no nutritional value. It's purpose is to help babies develop chewing, using their tongues, and learning to swallow while supplimenting formula or nursing so they can be ready for eating regular table food. Cut it out gradually so his little tummy can adjust to the different ingredients in table food.
I would suggest you get a good food processor. This way you can take a serving of each food and grind the heck out of it, he can have little piles of different colored goo on his plate but it will have better nutritional value.