Toddler, Cold, and Flying

Updated on May 30, 2011
C.T. asks from Red River, NM
6 answers

We leave later this morning for a trip and our 19 month old woke up with an awful cold! I could tell she was coming down with something yesterday. She is extremely cranky and has a very runny nose. I'm worried that flying and the altitude changes will cause her a lot of pain in her ears. Anyone have advice for any way to bring her relief? I am asking because I know she is too young for a decongestant. I am thinking there is nothing really I can do except give her lots of love. But I thought just maybe someone would have some ideas for me. Thank you.

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So What Happened?

Thank you everyone. I gave her motrin and Benedryl at the recommended dosages. On the landing of our first flight she still had a VERY hard time and cried and screamed. I think by then the decongestant was wearing off. Poor thing. She has never done that before, so it was hard. On the 2nd flight she slept through the landing. The medicines did help her to feel much better. Thanks for the advice!

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answers from Dallas on

I usually give my daughter some Motrin for the body aches, and that seems to help a lot. You can also try some simple saline for her nose. As for her ears on the plane, I'm lucky enough that my daughter doesn't get affected, but just to be safe, I have her eat a snack during take off and landing. Chewing gum is very effective to help prevent ear popping, so that's why I give her a snack to simulate chewing up since she is too young for gum.

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answers from Dallas on

I would call your doctor right away and see if there is something they recommend. 19 months is very young for a lot of meds.
Just my two cents,

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answers from Kansas City on

You can give her children's zyrtec (we use the generic) to dry her up. We use it on both our kids, even our 20 month old, and it works wonders! It might make her a little bit sleepy, which is not a bad thing for a plane ride! Not sure how much she weighs, so ask your pharmacist if you need help converting but we give our kids no more than 1 teaspoon/day. You can split it up or give it all at once. In your case, I'd probably give it all before the plane just to be sure then the rest of the week you can split it or give it right before bed.

Other than that I suggest taking a sippy cup or a sucker to suck on during take off and landing. Hopefully she will get some relief!

---Oh, I also meant to add that you can also give them Tylenol or Motrin with the's totally fine. My husband is a pharmacist so I'm pretty "up" on all the safe drug combos! LOL!

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answers from Detroit on

Motrin/Tylenol and Benadryl.

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answers from Phoenix on

I used to give my kids tylenol or motrin and then carry on munchies.
Cheerios, string cheese and crackers. Used to also take on something for them to drink... although, with all the security changes you might want to see what is allowed for you to take on for them to drink.




answers from Phoenix on

You can try giving her a Lollipop for take off and landing. It can be a special treat. I don't know if a 19 month old knows how to chew gum without swallowing. Pretty much trying to get her to swallow during take off and landing should equalize the ears. If not, take a bulb syringe/nasal aspirator and get all you can out of her nose. This will help with the pressure in the ear.

Plus, infant tylenol or infant motrin will help as well.

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