Today's Can of Worms - Not Watching Half Time Show?

Updated on February 04, 2014
H.G. asks from Mount Joy, PA
59 answers

We are having a few friends over to watch the Super Bowl tomorrow. We decided as a family (DH, 14 year old DD and me) that we would turn the TV off during the half time show. It's been our experience that (for the most part) the show tends to include at least something we believe to be inappropriate for us and our young daughter to watch. There was the nipple incident, scantlily clad dancers/singers, racy lyrics, etc. Bruno Mars has that gorilla song that we find highly inappropriate in the lyrics department. DD will turn off the radio if that song comes on, even when she's by herself. We assume he'll include at least part of that song in his set.

So we gave fair warning to our friends (all of whom are lifelong firnds we've known for anywhere between 25 and 45+ years). We wanted to let them know ahead of time so if they did want to see the show, they could DVR it at their houses to watch later. Well, DH's best friend who he has known his entire life just texted to say he wouldn't be coming because of this. That's fine and we make no judgment of anyone who wants to watch it, but I was wondering if anyone else would be offended by our actions or, given advance notice - wouldn't go to the party? Thoughts?

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So What Happened?

For anyone who still cares about this - and to clarify WE weren't interested in the historically inappropriate half time show. It wasn't just about not having our 14 year old DD see it. I happen to think that some (not all) of Bruno Mars' lyrics are not suitable for family entertainment (your sex takes me to paradise, pulling your hair & f'ing like gorillas - look them up and read them and you'll know what I mean). MY daughter and I have very frank talks very often and there's nothing that's off limits. The other day, she actually said "Mom, I'm so glad we can talk about anything and it's never weird. Thanks for being OK with talking about sex - some of my friends' Moms aren't that easy for them to talk to". Yes, that's a direct quote.

For us, this was about living what we believe. As a family, we don't like to spend time watching/listening to things that go against what we believe. Do my husband and I enjoy sex? Absolutely! We don't want to teach our daughter that it's ok to turn sex into something dirty or vulgar. My feeling is that Bruno Mars goes a little overboard in the dirty lyrics department.

For the record - we had a total of 13 people at our house for the Super Bowl. Not one of them was the least bit upset that we skipped the half time show. I might also mention that, although we offered plenty of food and beer, DH noted that a grand total of 4 bottles of beer and 1 glass of wine were consumed during the evening. So I guess you could say this was a pretty tame party. Everyone told us they were looking forward to joining us again next year. No harm, no foul I guess.

Thank you all for your opinions. They were an interesting study in how people view this subject.

Featured Answers


answers from Grand Forks on

I am not a football fan. The only things I would enjoy about a Superbowl party, other than the food and the company, is the half time show and commercials. I would not go if I had to sit through all that football and not even get to see the show!

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answers from New Orleans on

I would not host a superbowl party and not show the half time show. I don't really think that's fair, if I say I am hosting a party then I would feel I should let each person make their decision to watch or not, but I would not force my guests to comply to my conviction. To me that would be like hosting a Halloween party and saying 'no scary costumes'. I don't want my kids subjected to scary costumes so I don't throw Halloween parties. But kuddos fork letting everyone know ahead of time!
****oh man! I hope you watched it, it was amazing!!!

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answers from Norfolk on

It might be easier to have the kids go do something else while the half time show is on - maybe have a craft/activity for them to do.

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answers from Salinas on

In our house adults reign when it comes to this type of stuff. I don't control what my 15 year old watches or listens to, she is almost an adult and has a very good sense of herself. If others are watching something inappropriate for my 11 year old she leaves the room, watches a different movie or does something else.

I think having a super bowl party and turning off the halftime show for a bunch of adults is very controlling. Why not just have your daughter leave the room for a few minutes? The whole thing just feels very self righteous and not very hospitable IMO.

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answers from Columbus on

Wow! I don't find it offensive. I find it incredibly weird! We don't have cable, so dvr isn't an option. We don't have cable because most of it is garbage. Quite frankly so is most of the Super Bowl programming. But why in the world would you micromanage all your guests rather than just send your TEENAGER out of the room!? Sure, it's your house and you can do what you want, but a good host makes the guests feel welcome and special. That would make me feel awkward and uncomfortable. Honestly, I wouldn't really want to be at your party. I'd be too worried I'd say or do something you'd find offensive.

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answers from San Francisco on

Okay, I am just going to say the most obvious thing that stuck in my head. You are fine with men smacking each other around and all the foul language that any person with a basic level of lip-reading can figure out but the potential of a flashed nipple is not okay? I am personally much more offended by the behavior of the players (did you see what the Seahawks player did after they beat the 49ers?) than I am with the entertainment which is almost always bad anyway. Still, I will never understand this country's glorification of violence (and yes, football is extremely violent--I mean just look into the stats about concussions and brain damage and it will terrify you) and our completely prudish attitude about sex, which as far as I can tell almost never causes brain damage.

Your daughter is 14. Send her to another room. Tell folks that you will have a special snack in the kitchen for those not interested in half time and then let the adults decide. I agree that this is a bit controlling as one of the earlier posters said. I would not want to be at a party where I felt like I was missing out on something I wanted to see so I would politely decline your invitation.

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answers from San Francisco on

Last year, I just took my daughters out of the room because I thought Beyonce's show was a little out of hand for their age group. Rather than censoring what all of your guests are watching, why not just leave the room? Go make snacks in the kitchen, go barbeque on the back porch, play a board game in another room, or whatever. I do think it's a bit of an overreach to tell your guests they can't watch the halftime show when you invited them over for the Super Bowl.

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answers from Boston on

I would be pretty offput by your decision and probably wouldn't go either. Not that I care that much about the halftime show (or the game if my team isn't in it) but I would find your stance bafflingly prudish enough to thanks.

If I were you and felt that the halftime show is offensive, I would just have planned on you, your husband and daughter busying yourselves in the kitchen during halftime and leaving your ADULT guests to decide for themselves whether or not to watch without judgement.

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answers from Hartford on

Your house, your rules. I would NOT be offended with advance notice but I'll be honest since I'm assuming that's what you want... honesty.

If I were an invited guest to your Superbowl "party" I wouldn't attend with a silly rule like that. I would feel like I was being parented. I don't need parenting.

If you're going to have that sort of restriction then you keep it a private family event or with like-minded people. But honestly, for the most part If you want guests to enjoy the Super Bowl with you and share the evening with including the show, then keep it child-free. Keep your child busy elsewhere. Set up a play area where the child/ren can watch something else and play. [Oh wait, your child is 14. Was that an edit in the original post? 14 means she can busy herself during half time because she's old enough to do that.]

My daughters always lose interest regarding half time. Something outrageously inappropriate does NOT happen every year. If it does/did I would parent my child and talk about it if they witnessed it. I wouldn't presume to parent my adult guests.

[EDIT: We've been to Super Bowl parties with our girls from very small on up. We also watch at home. I've never needed to censor my girls from the commercials or the half time show. Because I parent them. At other's homes there's always several activities set up for them and their friends, and plenty of food for them. Same at our house.]

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answers from San Francisco on

If the commercials were that important to me, then I wouldn't go to your party.

You gave them fair warning, now they get to decide what to do. The commercials don't bother me, but you have a right to not let your kids see them, if that's how you feel. Or, you could change the channel, as suggested below.

ETA: Reading below -- Jubee makes the best point. The kids should leave. Kids shouldn't trump adults, especially when it comes to the Superbowl.

** Wait a minute - your daughter is 14? I think a 14 year old can handle it. Is your daughter really that sheltered?

"Nipplegate"!! LOL

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answers from Chicago on

Why stop there? Plenty of raunchy commercials on too. Are you going to stand with the remote in your hand the whole game to flip the channel when a racy commercial comes on? If so, I suggest you reconsider whether this is the type of event that you should bother hosting. If not, aren't you worried your daughter might see something terrible on a commercial?

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answers from Sacramento on

Yeah I'd pass on your offer and just watch it at home. I don't need anyone censoring what I watch, I am an adult. As for the kids, I'd send them in the other room if I was that worried about it, although to tell you the truth I am sure they see and hear worse than will be seen on the half time show. Just my opinion

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answers from Chicago on

I wouldn't be offended, but I'd think it's a stupid rule. Why can't your kids just leave the room?

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answers from San Francisco on

If my adult guests came over to watch something I considered inappropriate for my kids, I would have them (my kids) happily occupied elsewhere, either in another room, or over at a friend's house.
This is taking child-centric parenting to a whole new level.
If your daughter is too precious to watch a football halftime show, and/or if you can't manage to have her out of the room for thirty minutes, I feel sorry for all of you, especially her :-(

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answers from Dallas on

I am not be offended by your rules in your house .... every family has the right to have their rules.

BUT...those rules do not pertain to me, what I like and what I choose to watch or not watch. Out of respect for your house rules....I would not attend because I am an adult, the half-time show is my favorite part. I should not have to DVR it just because of your house rules. There is no excitement or fun left for the half-time show if you watch it at home after all the reviews.

You are thoughtful to have given notice to your guests that you plan to turn the tv off. It is your call for what you allow your children to see and not to see. If I were at a party and this happened at half-time without a clue that it was going to happen, I would be a little stunned and put off.

I could care less about the ballgame itself. Our super bowl party is all about the commercials and half-time. If someone is not comfortable with that, so be it, go to another area of the house where it is not playing, refill your food plates/cocktail glasses, play a game of pool and chat with whomever else is choosing not to watch . I am not offended if someone chooses not to watch at my house but I will not dictate for everyone... I would leave options open.

Did you recently make this announcement after having the party planned for some time? If so, I would be upset as a guest who RSVP'd only to find out now that my night would be dictated by your rules. I would have to look at my options now: stay home, go to your party = don't see what I like about the Super Bowl, or look for another venue to watch the game at this late of a notice.

Could you not at least have the performance going in another area for those who might enjoy Bruno Mar's performance. As for shows, there are MUCH worse than Bruno Mars. If you find him offensive, then there will be plenty of commercials that will make you cringe before, during and after the game.

Good luck and I hope your party is a success!

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answers from San Diego on

Instead of turning it off why don't those that don't care for it go to another room or the kitchen or if the weather is nice enough go outside and let those that want to watch it go ahead and do so. I would be annoyed at having something censored for me. We don't watch certain things at my parents house because my dad will fast forward over things.
It's one thing to do it when it is just your family but when having a party it's a different thing. I wouldn't come and would watch it at home. Having to wait until you get home to watch it on the DVR, after it's being talked about everywhere else isn't any fun or enjoyable.

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answers from Richland on

Offended no, find it stupid, yes. My god you are adults, if you don't like it go in the kitchen, your daughter could go to her room. Turning off the TV for the halftime show is odd. I would cancel on you too, not because you are a prude but to force that on friends shows a level of strangeness I am just not comfortable with.

Edit: guess that Motown was just too much for your daughter?

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answers from Chicago on

I think you handled this all wrong.

First let me say that we are practicing christians and are offended by all the *sex* t.v. shows and commercials. We cancelled cable 3 yrs ago so that our kids couldn't watch Disney channel and because we don't enjoy television with all the overly sexualized content.

With all that being said, if I were having a super bowl party I would never turn off part of the show just because I don't want to see a certain part. My fair warning to friends would have been "anyone who doesn't want to subject themselves to xyz, feel free to join us in another room of the house for some conversation or a game".

I assume you don't live in a loft home, where everything is in one big space. Unless you are having a bible study, I would not have handled it the same way as you.

***I am curious at how much notice you gave your guests, since his BF just declined via text.

Also know that not everyone has a DVR to record it later

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answers from Reading on

Yeah, I couldn't care less about football. If I was going to a Super Bowl party and they were turning it off during the halftime show, I'd choose to stay home, too.

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answers from Dallas on

I don't blame your husband's friend for cancelling. I would have cancelled, too. DVR'ing it is fine to watch again later, but people want to see the halftime show (as well as the Super Bowl, for that matter), live. Since you and your family feel this way, I do not think you had any business inviting anyone over for the Super Bowl.

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answers from Washington DC on

your party, your rules. and good for you for the advanced notice.
i, like many other non-footballers, only hang out at the superbowl for the company, the commercials, the food, and the half-time show. so i'd regretfully decline to attend your party.
but i wouldn't be offended.

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answers from Dallas on

I would not go to the party. That is a big part of the game.

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answers from Boca Raton on

i wouldn't be offended but i would decline your invitation. even if you had lil kids, which you don't, it's safe to hope you would remove them from watching, and not ask the adults to miss what most consider the best part (the commercials). i am invited to a Super Bowl party with kids and hubs. i care nothing about sports, but i know kids will be playing. it's a Super Bowl party. not a kid party.

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answers from Erie on

Not offended, but I'm not sure why you wouldn't just leave the room with your kid instead of insisting the guests miss the halftime show. That's how I would handle it. But then, I don't censor what my teens watch, and they are hardly bothered by seeing a nipple. We follow the "if you're offended, look away" path. I don't believe in pushing my beliefs on anyone else, especially if I am having a party for the sole purpose of everyone watching the same thing. Who am I to say, "We'll be watching all of it except the part that most people love to watch, because it makes us uncomfortable." That makes the issue MY problem, not my guests' problem, so why should they suffer?

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answers from Tampa on

I think that it would be pretty odd to be invited over to watch the Superbowl and then have the host turn off the half-time show. That is one of the few parts of the Superbowl that I actually like to watch. I think that the shows have been much tamer since "Nipplegate". Personally, I think that you are very much overreacting about this. I don't know if I would boycott a party because of this, but I wouldn't think highly of a host that essentially wants to censure what I watch. At least you gave them fair warning so they have the option to attend or not...

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answers from Salinas on

I mean it's your house so do what you want, but I would be put off by it. Your daughter is 14, not 4. Have her go to another room for a bit rather than control what your adult friends are allowed to watch. You can't shield her from everything. What if she is at a friend's house and something similar comes on? Should she ask the friend and their family to turn it off? If she can make the choice to leave the room or otherwise not watch outside of the house, she can do it at home as well. At home is where we learn how to act outside the home. Like others, I could care less about football and watch for the commercials and half time show, so yes, it would bother me and no, I would not go. At least you are telling people ahead of time.

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answers from New York on

Your daughter is 14. I am sure she has seen and heard more than you think. If you think it is not appropriate, have her go to her room to do something, I probably would decline your invite. How can you have a Super Bowl party and shut the TV off. That is usually the best part. If you are going to turn it off, you should probably cancel the party.

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answers from Baton Rouge on

My Saints aren't playing, so I don't care about the game itself. Couldn't care less about the commercials either. But the halftime show will include Red Hot Chili Peppers and I WILL watch for that.
If I were hosting a Super Bowl party, and didn't want my kids to see the halftime show, I would send the kids out of the room at halftime, rather than censor the adults' viewing.
If I were invited to a Super Bowl party and told that the tv would be turned off at halftime, I would opt not to go, since this year the halftime show is the only part of the game I care about.

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answers from Williamsport on

If a friend let me know they'd be censoring the viewing of the halftime show for their guests...I'd be going elsewhere to watch, because no matter how craptastically ridiculous and lame and bad and silly and overdone and talentless the half-time show is, I wanna see it. Way more than the game actually. And I don't need to be censored at my age when there could be laughs to be had. We don't have cable or satellite, so I'm gonna have to stream it later. But I want to see Macklemore! :) What's the worst that could happen? A Miley Cyrus episode? Another nipple? If you guys lead a well-rounded moral life the half-time show is not going to hurt you even if the entire stage full of performers and audience members and football players strips nude. Who cares. But it is your right to be offended and not watch, I get that.

But you are imposing your personal family virtues on your guests when you could just graciously air the half-time show that the entire nation will be watching while you and your family members look away or leave the room. Why do you feel more uncomfortable doing that than blocking it from your guests? Please do not hold it against the guests for wanting to see the half-time show. It was nice of you to warn them because they very well do have the right to see the half-time show during the superbowl if they want.

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answers from Philadelphia on

I would not be offended but I would think it is odd. Seeing some things that I think are inappropriate have always provided a great opportunity for me to talk to my daughters about our family values, how we should conduct ourselves, etc.
Although I am pretty conservative in my values, I do not censor books, music or live theatre performances. (My daughters are 10 and 15yo).

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answers from Washington DC on

So the Super Bowl is over now, but you guys missed out on a clean, fun show. Years past have been different, but with the line up they had this year, I don't think anyone thought it would be inappropraite. IIf your daughter turns that music off, she is extremely different from any other kids I know that age or even younger.

I hope you all enjoyed the game, but the half-time show really was the best part.

I would have also declined the invite. The half-time show is a huge part of Super Bowl.

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answers from Anchorage on

I would not be offended, but I would find it very odd. If I did not want my kids to see it I would send them to their rooms during that time rather then trying to police what the adults watch. For our family we could care less about the game, we only like to watch the commercials and the half time show.

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answers from Austin on

Could you just send the kids outside or to another part of the house during the half time?

They could watch a kid friendly video, hang out by the fire pit with you outside roasting marshmallows, Or they could play a board game, Charades, in another part of the house. Load them up and take the to the local ice cream parlor or donut shop for a treat. ?

Seems a bit silly to make all of the adults miss, out, when really you are just concerned about the kids.

The commercials and half time are the only things I watch during the Superbowl, unless it is my team playing or I actually know a player personally..

But it is your home, you are the hostess, If they do not show up, that was their choice. You gave them a heads up.

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answers from Chicago on

Are you turning off the commercials too? Because they are a little over the top as well.

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answers from Iowa City on

Offended, no. I am not personally invested in the halftime show so I wouldn't decline your invitation based on that.

Thoughts....if you and your husband and daughter do not want to watch a part of the event then make yourselves busy elsewhere at that time. Don't prevent your guests from the full experience. After all, they aren't 14.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I have to say that I agree with the majority of the other posters. I wouldn't be offended if that was your house rule - I don't think your husbands friend is offended either, he may just want to watch the halftime show and if he can't do it at your house he doesn't want to go. - but, I wouldn't go. Your DD is 14.. I would assume she could leave the room (like the others said) and if it bothers you as well then go with her:)

I do think though that if you are having a party and half time is something you don't want to see instead of saying "since we don't want to see it, you can't either" you should just go into the other room and leave it at that.

I personally wouldn't throw a party (which we do every year for the game) and not let people watch a certain part if they wanted to.

With all that said, your house - your rules. You let them know ahead of time and now they are letting you know that they won't be attending. Sounds fair enough to me.

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answers from Denver on

I wouldn't be offended, especially if I knew the terms in advance. But I probably wouldn't attend your party either. Would you be offended if I didn't attend because I preferred to watch the Super Bowl in its entirety LIVE? I would guess not. It's not like you invited them over and abruptly turned off the half time show without any warning… So, no, I wouldn't be offended, just like you're not offended your DH's best friend chose to not attend.

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answers from Phoenix on

I would probably still go, if you were my friend and I didn't have another party offer. I would think it was silly, and I would have an evil little voice in my head telling me to flash a boob at halftime, but I would refrain and would respect your rules in your home. I would definitely appreciate the heads-up, that is very considerate of you. I would imagine that some parents might like your choice and be more likely to bring their young children to your party. For us personally, racy dancing and lyrics that the kids probably won't be paying attention to are not a concern, and with all the breastfeeding my kids have seen, nipples hold no mystery!!
Have a great party, either way!

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answers from San Francisco on

I can't imagine a little kid caring about a three hour football game anyway so why would you censor a part of the broadcast that many of your guests would probably enjoy?
Set up some Dora or Mickey Mouse Club DVDs in another room and let the little ones play in there during the game. They won't want to be watching football anyway, how boring for them!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Hey it's your party! It's quite nice of you to forewarn people actually.

Gotta be honest though, I might consider a different party if you told me that. Not so much because I love the halftime show so much, more so because it makes you sound a little uptight and controlling and that doesn't usually equal fun party. So sorry to say that! BUT if you were my good friends and I already knew your preferences, and you presented it in a nice way, like you had other interesting plans for us during that time, I might not really care, and just watch it on DVR later.

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answers from Phoenix on

Well, here's my feelings for what it's worth. Technically it's your house, your rules and you let everyone know ahead of time the tv will be off for half time. But I think it would be easier to just have your daughter leave the room for that time instead of shutting it off for everyone. To answer your question, no, I would not be offended but yes, I would not be attending your party. Half time is part of the game and I would want to watch the whole thing. JMO. Good luck.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I think I'm with JB on this O..
Commercials & halftime see part of the SB experience
I would leave it know for guests and busy myself elsewhere.

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answers from Orlando on

I would want to see the halftime show! Your daughter is 14, not 8. Use it as a teaching moment or go into another room during the show. I think it is silly to turn of the t.v. at halftime. We will be at a party with a bunch of kids aged 3 on up and I guarantee they will be in another room playing, not caring about the halftime show. I would imagine they would have to tame the lyrics for primetime, but I am sure it is nothing you haven't heard before. Is he for sure doing the gorilla song? Just mute it.
I probably wouldn't go to your party, or I would show up after the half. It is your home and you choose what you want to do, but I think this is a bit extreme.

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answers from Portland on

I don't even watch the Superbowl, so I really wouldn't care. If a grown man can't decide to just watch the halftime show on Hulu or Youtube later on... really?

Reading the rest of the comments, I can see that I am obviously missing out on whatever glamour that is the half-time show. I'm sorta 'asportsual' (I simply do not care about sports) so maybe I'm out of it on how screamingly important the half-time show is.

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answers from Washington DC on

Have you thought about just changing the channel!?!! Seriously. I get where you are coming from - but just change the channel.

From what I understand, there's been TONS of rumors - there's going to be a gay wedding during the half-time show like there was at the Grammy's.

If I were invited to your home for the party - It would roll my eyes but say "your home - your rules"....just change the channel.

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answers from Boca Raton on

I think it's fine for you to not show the halftime performance in your own home and I think it's fine for your husband's friend to decline. That was considerate of you to give advance notice.

Some people really look forward to the halftime show so I don't blame someone if they'd rather watch it elsewhere. But I don't think you're wrong either. I would just make sure that husband is truly on board with the decision.

Good luck and have fun!

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answers from Seattle on

Awe, too bad you missed a great show!! The gorilla song (which I love! But is inappropriate for your children) wasn't in the show at all. All of Bruno Mars' group was fully dressed and it almost had a motown feel to it. The RHCP were okay, but I preferred Bruno Mars quite a bit.
I think that if it was Miley, Madonna, Robin Thicke, or anyone else that we KNOW is an innapropriate live singer then I probably would have sent the kids to another room, but I wouldn't invite a bunch of people to my party, for the SUPERBOWL, and tell them that I was goign to turn of halftime!!
If you were my friend we would totally remain friends, I would respect your decision, but I would go elsewhere to watch the game.
I am wondering what happened? The game was yesterday!

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answers from Washington DC on

Wow-- so many posts against your idea. Well, I say, your house, your party, your choice. Tell guests in advance, which you have done already. DH's best friend is being anything but a friend; he's turning a stupid, tatty entertainment into a hill to die on here.

Do you get the Animal Planet channel? They run a "Puppy Bowl" at some point Sunday- not sure if it's actually at the same time as the Super Bowl. Switch over to that. But whatever you do, as hosts it would be nice if you had something special for guests to do/see/eat during that time as a distraction so it's not all about people waiting for the time to end to return to the game.

One thing does puzzle me, though. Your DD is not a little kid; she's 14. Then you later mention "our young daughter." Are there two daughters involved here? If it's only the 14-year-old, she's more than old enough to leave the room and watch a video in another room or whatever so the adults can watch the show. If there is a younger child as well, then her older sister can chaperone her as they do something together during that time. You could frankly have it both ways with your daughter (daughters??) otherwise occupied and the adults watchiing the show. BUT-- if you want to make a point with your kids that even with guests in the house, certain standards still apply -- that is just fine and it's selfish of the "best friend" to turn this into an issue.

I do still think it's totally your choice and you have let folks know clearly -- just be sure they aren't really thinking, "Oh, they'll cave and leave the show on or they'll just forget...." You could end up in the moments before the halftime show suddenly in a discussion with guests about how you really do mean to turn off the TV or switch to something else, and it could get unpleasant there during the party if some guests don't really think you'll turn the show off and are expecting you really won't, when the moment comes.

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answers from Colorado Springs on

Well, if the party were at DH's friend's house instead of yours, he could watch the show live. So maybe that's what he'll do.

You don't have to question your decision to turn your set off. Real adults recognize that it's your house and your party.

You were wise to let them know in advance. Many people talk about the low quality of television shows (including that one), but few want to do anything about it. So you are unusual in that respect.

For the last several years, we have attended a friend's annual Super Bowl party, with a take-up-the-wall-space TV for those who want to watch it and a Mexican train game for those who don't. When a really good commercial comes on, the watchers yell to the non-watchers to come look. When the halftime show comes on, everybody goes in the kitchen for more food.

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answers from Cleveland on

ok here is my take on this, if you have been w friends as long as you say you have, are you not similar in your beliefs or do you not know that certain people tolerate and others don't??
I'm surprised this guy accepted the first invitation since he should have known that your family prefers not to be exposed to this. and he should have knid of seen it coming.

and you and hubs should have an idea who would want to see it and who wouldn't and should have planned the guest list with that in mind.

so no fault no judgements personally I would also find it strange for you to turn it off unless you knew your group would choose that themselves,

personally I agree with you about the content not beign great, and I agree with others pointing out how bad the commercials are too. everything on tv any more is very sleezy but the half time is a big part of the game for some and others its a good time to use the facilities.

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answers from Kansas City on

Well, we went to a Super Bowl party several years ago, and they turned off their TV at half time, without warning or explanation. This party was with our Sunday school class. Most people were not happy about it, but I would not decline a party because of it, especially since you gave the warning. I think it's a little childish of the friend to stay home. Your kids are more important and I totally agree with you that you have to monitor what they see. These days most music shows are pretty risqué and not family oriented.

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answers from New London on

It doesn't really sound like he is offended. Just that he wanted to watch it when he wanted to and was giving you the heads up that he, as a guest, will not be attending.

I mean I personally would choose interacting with people and I'm a roll with the punches kind of person so wouldn't have offended/annoyed me

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answers from San Francisco on

I am sorry..but if you told me this then I would go to a different party. We would be looking forward to enjoying the game,commercials and show with friends and family. Yet..I wouldn't be offended. It is your home..your choice. I might give a silent eye roll and sigh.....

But...we didn't even watch the game yesterday. No interest at all. I know...we are weird. We spent our day at church then at a family's house doing other things.. We aren't big football fans. But, there have been years we have watched it.

It was nice of you to let friends know ahead of time of your situation. THey are thinking they are coming to a Super Bowl party..including game,commercials and the show. THey are looking forward to the whole experience and you weren't going to provide he made alternate plans. I don't blame him. It is just not the same to have to go home and watch the half time show after the fact. And..from what I hear it was a great half time of the best in many years.

I sure hope this doesn't make things uncomfortable between you/husband and this friend.

Maybe instead of assuming the worst about a show or commercial you could try watching and then IF it is inappropriate then you teach your daughter how to deal with the situation in the it happens. Get up with her and say "let's go freshen the chip bowl". Or..."hey..this makes me feel about we go turn something on in the other room for a bit and for the other kids". All of this without making a huge scene.

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answers from Houston on

I would still come. I never turn down a party invite. Now, IF I had 2 invitations, then I'd not come to yours.

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answers from Cleveland on

This year's show was fairly clean I thought. And Bruno Mars was kind of "retro". I never knew him before except one song. So let's hope the show will continue to clean up its "act" and become less inappropriate. I think you were more taking a stand against how trashy it had gotten versus "protecting" your daughter and that's totally fine. I think if you'd phrased it like that, people might not have attacked you as much. It seemed at first it was more about your daughter not watching it. If it's more that you think they've made the show into something it shouldn't be (and I agree it had gotten trashy) and you want to boycott it, totally fair. Glad the party worked out well!

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answers from Phoenix on

My kids go to bed at half time, so that I don't have to worry about them seeing the half time show. I think your actions are commendable, and you are setting a great example for your daughter by standing by what your moral beliefs are! Good job!

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answers from Denver on

Well I know it's all over now, but I had to respond. I think it's great that your family took a stand. You gave everyone notice, and they had options. I suppose it would have been one thing to keep the show on and have your daughter leave the room, but I think what you did was better- showing your daughter to stand up for your family's values, especially while in your own home.

I would have (and do) applaud you and your family. I would have definitely gone! And if I had two invites, I would have chosen yours.

It's funny how many people probably went to parties where guests got totally drunk, and thought nothing of it or what it shows their kids. But not watch the halftime show? Well that's just crazy! :-)

Kudos to your family.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I don't watch it anyway, the whole thing, so I wouldn't care but if I was I'd want to see the whole thing so I'd stay at home.

I do applaud you for taking this stand though.



answers from Philadelphia on

To be honest, I don't know too many people who really watch the half time show, especially men. Men usually get up, eat, drink, use the toilet, hang, laugh, argue over the game, etc. So to hear your husband's best friend, I assume is a man, refuses to come because of it actually scares me a bit, lol. Creepy that he'd actually want to watch Burno Mars when most guys care about the game, beer and food. If he's that way then let him stay away. Just odd to me. Lord knows we usually turn the channel at that point or just walk away! LOL

K. B
mom to 5 including triplets

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