Today Sponge?? - Phoenix,AZ

Updated on July 14, 2011
L.M. asks from Phoenix, AZ
5 answers

Has anyone been using this as their sole form of birth control? I was reading up on it and it is supposed to be up there in effectiveness as condoms. If I combine that with keeping track of my ovulation, I'm think it's pretty good. My ob thought is was good too. Has anyone out there become pregnant while using it? I don't want to do hormones and IUD's make me nervous. My husband is considering a vasect. But while he "considers", we need something. Thoughts?

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answers from San Antonio on

Will hubs not wear a condom? We also track my ovulation and use condoms when we're in the 'risk zone'. Been 3 years and no unplanned pregnancy. :)

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answers from Appleton on

I used them back in the late '80-'90's and they work great. No hormones!! :-) And completely safe.

The only reason they went off the market for several years is because the plant they made them in needed to be re-tooled and the company didn't want to go the expense.

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answers from Dallas on

I didn't know they were still around..... All I could think when I saw the title was "Spongeworthy?"



answers from Lancaster on

I used it once (about 2 months ago) and never again!!! It burned like crazy due to having so much spermicide in. According to the informational pamphlet that came with it, it is less effective than a condoms and diaphrams (especially if you have already had a child). I would imagine that if you used it with "natural family planning" it might be as efffective as a condom.

You would think there would be better birth control options in 2011, wouldn't you?



answers from Minneapolis on

I didn't even know they were still on the market. I had a good friend from work get pregnant while using one--that was back in the early 90s. She was the type of would have used it diligently and correctly too. Ironically, after she was already pregnant, but before she knew she was pregnant, she overheard someone at her hairdresser's salon say, "Everyone I've known who has used the sponge got pregnant." Again, that was in the early 90s so maybe they've changed?

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