Heidi, there is a phenomenal BABYWEARING group here in L.A. called KOALA L.A. led by the very AMAZING Traci Cummings. Her monthly meetings are incredible, and she offers a BABYWEARING LENDING LIBRARY where you can borrow slings/ wraps/ carriers to try for yourself. Her # is: (213) 300~8275, and her e~mail is ____@____.com is truly a BABYWEARING ADVOCATE! : ) Just so you know....there is a small dono request for the meetings and when you borrow anything from the library, though the cost is minimal compared to the sage advice you receive from Traci in return. I highly recommend contacting her with your request. And, I so invite you to join our KOALA L.A. YAHOO GROUP: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/koalaLA/ where you can get advice, post news, and buy and sell slings and wraps and BWing things.
Also, http://www.thebabywearer.com/ is an amazing place to find more data on slings/ wraps/ carriers for us BABY WEARING MAMAS and even buy and sell them!
And, just so you know I love my TODDLERHAWK MEI TAI!
And, my 2 other favorite BABY CARRIERS are the CALYX and of course....the BECO BUTTERFLY!
ENJOY! : )
With love,
L. (BWing MAMA to adventurously spirited, 2 year old, Dylan Orion......29 September 2007). : )