I have very fast labor so I was induced with both my last two pregnancies. Had no problems with either. Good luck with whatever you decide is right for you and congrats on the new baby!
Today is my due date and my doctor wants to induce. The problem is I'm scared to be induced from everything I hear and read being induced makes it harder on me and my baby. How long have you other mama's went before being forced to be induced? Can I wait until she comes on her own? I was 4 weeks late, but that was way back in the day. The women in my family have a history of going from 2-4 weeks late. My problem is though I have to be in Atlanta, GA the weekend of August 14th for my best friends wedding. If I want until the 5th or 6th and then get induced if she hasn't made her arrival yet will I be able to last 14 hours in a car with a new born? I know it will be very hard, but we have all the time in the world to get there and back since I will be off work. So any advice that anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated here. I am totally confused as to what to do.
I have very fast labor so I was induced with both my last two pregnancies. Had no problems with either. Good luck with whatever you decide is right for you and congrats on the new baby!
After the 42 week mark, the placenta starts to die I've heard of women who stuck it out and waited too late and baby died because the placenta died.
My youngest was an induction 9 days before his due date because he was a big baby and my first almost didn't come out and she was smaller, it went faster than my first that was not induced. In the end I had to have an emergency C section , not because of not progressing , everything was dilated, he was coming down etc, but because his head and shoulders were so big he got stuck.
I was induced w/ both of my pregnancies. They were very short labors and aside from my younger twin flipping and going breach on us forcing a c-section--no complications or issues whatsoever. I would take the induction. Atleast that way you'll know you'll make it to the hospital in time :) Good luck and congrats!
You aren't' going to go to Atlanta if you end up with a C-section. Give your body a few more days to go into natural labor. Is the babies head in your pelvis? If not don't induce. Poor positioning is a recipe for C-section. I'm sure I'm not the only one who needs to talk you out of this 14 hour road trip nonsense. If you are breastfeeding do you realize that you will need to have baby at your breast for 7-9 hours a day? Are you going to pull over and feed or drive with your baby out of the car seat? What if you are struggling to breastfeed and need all the help you can get, or have to pump? Do you realize you will be functioning on no sleep? If you are married do you realize that you both won't get much sleep and that makes driving terribly unsafe? This is obviously your first child because nobody who knows what its really like to bring home a new born would even think to make this trip happen. I'll leave you with this. Don't in anyway let the trip effect your decision on inducing or not as I will bet you $100 when that baby gets home, you will realize that it needs to be cancelled anyhow.
I'd wait it out a bit at least if I were you. My first I was induced 9 days over, and honestly it was not fun. It took 36 hours... granted I really did not want a C-Section... and there was a point where I probably could have gone that route and chose to keep going...
my second was +11 (weighed in at 9.7 and was just as easy to push out as my first 8.8 lb babe)... and my third was +4 days.
MOST Mom's go past their due date especially with the first baby. Don't rush to induce for no reason other than it's your due date. What if they miscalculated and you actually have another 8-10 days to go? Would you want to bring the baby out early?
Just my thoughts.
First of all, I would not be going to that wedding (no matter whose it is) when you are a) this pregnant or b) have a newborn.
Secondly, you should definitely just go late. Induction is not necessary, is harmful, and it is your baby's brain that signals to your body to begin labor, so if it hasn't started yet, it means the baby is not ready. They cannot make you do anything. If you get induced, you have at least a 25% chance of ending up with a csection, in which case you probably will not make it 14 hours in a car, anyway.
My first question would be why immediately? is there a special reason you can't wait a couple of weeks? Most doctors don't like to induce on the due date - they prefer to wait a week or two. If there's no special reason (except that your doc has vacation plans), I'd say wait a bit. I was a labor coach a few years ago - I learned to ask the doctors questions if they wanted to do something immediately - if there's a special reason, you need to know, if not, they need to wait. My opinion.
You might try doing some deep relaxation processes, see a reflexologist to help your body prepared easier.
Holistic Health Coach
Certified Reflexologist
Certified Newborn Massage Instructor
Meridian Tapping Specialist
Hypnotist Cert.
Applied Aromatherapy Instructor
Induced or not, whenever the baby is born, it will be way too soon to do a 14 hour car ride with the little one. They need to be held and fed frequently, not in a car seat for 14 hours. You have to decide if your baby's needs or your best friend's wedding is most important.
The baby is safe for two weeks past your due date (after that the placenta starts to break down) so if you want to see if your baby will make the grand appearance all by his/herself you dont need to rush it. I was induced. I saw my doc on my due date and told her if she didnt get this kid out of me I would find someone who will (haha I was in a lot of pain from were the baby decided to sit all my last month of pregnancy.) she induced me to days later and no labor wasnt harder. in fact I thought it was a lot easier than everyone was making it out to be. I was in labor for about 21 hours (I'm including pre-labor in there to) and when it came time to push the nurse said it would take about 2hrs (since this was my first baby) I said oh I dont think so (I dont like pain and am very stuborn haha) and my son was born 20 minutes later. so I dont think inducing causes any problems
If you and the baby are in good health you can wait 1-2 weeks to be induced. Do not let the doctor pressure you into being induced. My sister works in labor and delivery and it is very well known that being induced is a fast ticket to a c-section.
I was induced 5 days after my due date (my dumb choice) and I ended up having a c-section after 16 hours in labor because I could not dilate beyond 8cm and I started getting a fever (indicative of an infection). Wait longer if you can.
I was induced with my second and do not isten to anyone. It was fine, no problems. It did not hurt at all when they broke my water. Good luck and you will be fine!!!
I was induced by choice, and it went really well. They started the pitocin drip at 7am, I got an epidural when it started to hurt about noon and had a baby by 5:30. I had none of the issues that other moms seem to have. I had a nice nap, my parents were able to get there from 8 hours away due to knowing in advance the date, I had a nap and was plenty rested up to play with my baby when she was born. It was a very nice experience.
I was also already dilated to 3 and 95% effaced when i went in, which probably helped.
My sister and i were both induced with our first children, and went into labour on our own with our other children. Contractions are much worse in our opinions when being induced.
I was induced twice at 37 weeks and had no problems at all.
I say be induced. My sister went in for a doctor's visit on her due date with her first baby. Baby was doing GREAT! Doctor told her she could go one more week and if the baby didn't come out then he would induce her (a week past her due date). Well she was induced a week late and gave birth to a stillborn. The baby was so big and didn't have room to move around. The umbilical cord got tangled around his little neck. To this day she wishes she could have been induced on her due date. Whatever decision you make is what is best for your family. Your baby will most definitely be fine--my sister's experience was out of the norm for sure. I just wanted to give you an example of one thing that could possibly happen if you carry late.
Even if you had her today, a trip to Atlanta would not be easy. You're putting a lot on yourself and the baby. Do you have a doctor to contact in Atlanta in case anything happens? Also, you won't have much time to visit as you will be feeding every 2-4 hours. I know you don't want to hear this, but I would highly advise you not to go to the wedding :(
I was induced and would never do it again. The labor lasted 12+ hours and I pushed for almost 2 hours. My epidural began to wear off since I was still in labor 10 hours after the contractions started. They kept increasing the dose which hindered my recovery time. I went into labor naturally with my 2nd baby and it was MUCH easier and much, much shorter - 3 hours.
Having said all of that, you know yourself and your situation better than anyone else. You'll figure out the best decision regarding the birth and the trip.
Congratulations! If you do go - Have a safe trip...
The average gestational period is 41 weeks 5 days. Most babies take longer than 40 weeks to cook. It is always better for baby to be INSIDE as long as possible. If you had a midwife, she would tell you that she wouldn't even think about inducing till week 42. Midwives tend to have c-section rates that the WHO like. OBs? It's more about convenience than anything else, and don't let him tell you the baby will be too big --that is a myth!- save for women with actual problems. They should have done at exam at the beginning to make sure you don't have size issues.
Also, something to seriously consider: with a vaginal birth, your recovery will be immediately, maybe a few days if you tear badly. If you get a c-section, your trip will be much, much harder on you. You will be recovering from major surgery. With my vaginal births, I was out walking within 3 days, even with a bad tear with the one.
I was induced with all three of my kids so I can't tell you if it's much different than going natural but all three of my deliveries were fine with no issues. My Dr doesn't want you going much over a week past your due date. I would go ahead and schedule the induction and hope the baby comes on his/her own. You don't want to wait too long to allow the baby to get bigger then you face possible Csection.
You might really have to rethink going to the wedding too. That will be hard on you and the baby to be in the car that long. If it usually takes 14 hours to get there, you better add a couple more hours for the stops you'll have to make to feed and change the baby. I'm sure your friend would understand. But I know that would be really hard to miss. Good luck to you and congratulations on your new addition. They are such a blessing from above.
I always thought the due date give or take 2 weeks - was completely normal. Unless you underwent a fertility procedure (in which case you could be completely confident exactly when conception took place) - the due date is a guess. If there are no signs or test results that say your child or you are under any stress - then wait until there is a reason that you need to be induced. As for the wedding - if it was me, I wouldn't be in any shape for social engagements for the last few months of pregnancy through the first few months of the baby. A wedding is about the bride and a new family getting started and they should be the center of attention. If you're still pregnant when you go - what will you do if you go into labor while you are there? And if the baby comes a few weeks before hand - a new baby is a scene stealer and just wouldn't be great at a wedding. If she's your best friend I would think she would understand you are a wee bit indisposed right now for attending a wedding and you can better join in the festivities around their 1st anniversary.
My water broke in my 38th week, but I didn't go into labor, so I had to be induced. Aside from the contractions coming on hard and fast after the pitocin started to work it was easy and my little boy came out in 3 pushes. As a side bar I agree with the moms that your due date could be miscalculated. I knew the exact date I concieved but the doc said they determine it of their chart. I predicted Dec 14 and they Dec 28th. My son was born on the 14th!!!, which also means I was in my 40th week. Doc's don't know everything. I'd wait a little longer unless there is a medical reason, not cause you doc has an open date on her calender.
I was induced with my first because my water broke and labor did not progress. I was not induced with the second. I needed C-sections both times because my bony pelvis would not separate, even with a baby head right there for six hours with the first one!!
If you don't want to induce, ask your doctor. You decide, based on the evidence you have, if you want to induce or not. I honestly don't think it's a big deal either way. Seriously, your birth experience is a) a very minor thing considered in the total life of being a mom and b) secondary to your baby's health.
What I will say is this: talk to your doctor about all of your possible interventions. What are your chances for needing a c-section, or induction, or anything else? Seriously, you do not want to be hearing about these possibilities for the first time when you are in labor.
If you do get induced, you will want the epidural. I AM NOT KIDDING. Contractions on pitocin are in no way comparable to contractions with normal labor. With my first, induced because my water broke, I thought my uterus was going to burst out of my body and fly across the room. With my second, I wasn't even sure it was labor until I was at 8 cm dilated, because I was relating it to the pitocin contractions. NOT THE SAME AT ALL.
But it doesn't matter, because my kids are toddlers and unless I read something on here about birth experiences I don't even think about it anymore. So you make the decision you want to make at the time and don't you regret it and don't you let anyone else make you regret it either.
I was induced with both. The first was rough, but she was my first baby, which I think is always rough. My second was a walk in the park. The pitocin took a while to get things going, but then they really got going and he was out in 3 pushes.
As for recovery time, yes, c-section recovery can be rough if you end up needing it, but vaginal recovery can be tough too. (As you no doubt know). I couldn't walk at all after my daughter for 2 weeks, and I'm a pretty tough cookie. Anyway, just wanted to put it out there that you don't know how it's going to go until it goes, so have a conversation with your doctor about the risk/benefit, and decide from there. Good luck.
I was 2 days past my due date before being induced. Did the doc say that he/she wants to induce you because he/she is afraid that your baby will get too big and you will need a C-section?
I remember my doc said that there is no advantage of the baby staying in there longer then it needs to.
With induction and labor it took me all of 32 hours before I delivered. I think my little guy is a bit stubborn and didn't want to come out. However it only took me 20 minutes to push the little guy out.
I just remembered being very tired and exhausted from being induced and I did remember my baby's heart rate went way down for a little while (I guess he didn't like the pitocin) so they stopped the pitocin for a while and then when his heart rate went back up, they continue to give me the pitocin.
I think each induction experience is different for each individual. My friend's induction didn't go so well because the baby's heart rate continued to go down after a while so she ended up with a C-section.
Good luck and hope you deliver your baby soon and try not to stress out too much about going to your best friend's wedding but I know you don't want to miss it but if you do end up having a C-section, you don't want to do any kind of traveling even in a car because you really need to give your body a while to heal.
I just had my first child in June and I was induced. I was showing zero signs of labor and have a history of big babies in my family (my hubs is adopted so no clues there..he was 7lbs). I was a 10+ baby myself (sorry mom...and that was 1980). Anyway, induction is different for everyone. I am not upset with my dr's decision to induce. I was exactly one week past due and miserable. If you trust your dr's advice then do the induction. Be sure that you speak to your dr in regards to your concerns and ask why he/she wants to induce. Then you can reach an informed decision.
My induction experience was pleasant. I didn't begin to hurt until after my dr broke my water...then I called for the epidural. I was in labor for 13 hours. When i reached full dialation, the nurse suggested i resist the urge to push for as long as i could and let gravity help move the baby down im glad i did. I only pushed for 39 minutes.
Remember, every person is different and will react to each scenario differently. My only advice is to be sure in your decision and yourself. Remain calm and have faith in your care givers and assistants.
I had to be induced a week early before the due date because my blood pressure kept going up, and it wouldn't have been safe for my LO. I had a great experience. I also got the epidural because it got too painful after my water broke in the hospital. I know many moms who didn't want to be induced, but you have to think about the health of your baby. I'm sure your MD can give you professional reasons why being induced will be safe for you and your LO. As far as your bff's wedding is concerned, I'm sure she'll understand if you can't make it. After you give birth, your body needs REST! Your body has gone through so much, and for you to sit in a car with a newborn for 14 hours...can't be comfy for either you or the baby. Just something to consider. If I were you, I would get induced for the health of you and baby, and I would not go for a long car ride. You can maybe take your friend out for lunch in a few months when you are healed up and baby is a bit older as a "belated wedding celebration". that will also be a good time for your bff to see your LO. If she is your BFF, she'll understand that you can't make it to her wedding bc of the baby.
I was 38w4d and was induced. i don't have anything else to compare it to...but overall it was fast. i was only in labor 3 hours. wasn't that bad...( i had cytotec and pitocin)
I was induced with my son, four days before my due-date because my doctor was worried about my fluid level; he was born healthy; I was induced on my due date with my daughter and the only thing that made it worse than the first one was they used petocin to induce my daughter and cerviadil with my son and we never needed the petocin. I'd induce asap
I did not read the responses and I have no personnal experience, but I would be really scared too. Ignoring the wedding issue (which I am sure some folks will jump on as being a "convenience" issue), why would the doctor want to induce so soon? I thought that babies were "allowed" to make an appearance anywhere from 38 to 42 weeks before they are considered either preterm or late? I could be mistaken, but your doctor sounds a bit impatient.
There is definately research and facts and statistics available about how induction leads to other interventions. That is why they call it the "cascade of interventions". It should also be noted that the c-rate in the US is way higher than it should be.
I think your gfriend will completely understand if you can not make the wedding. Honestly, 2 weeks old is still a newborn in my opinion so, I am not sure a week makes the difference.
I wish you luck with your decision!
You do not want to go more than 2 weeks past your due date because of the 2 week window (give or take) for your due date, which is an estimate. Most doctors want you induced within two weeks of your due date. If you go to far overdue, your placenta can start to break down and put your baby at risk. I was also born 4 weeks late and with meconium stain (not good with other complications from aspirating).
As far as induction goes, I was induced with both of my boys--my first I started leaking amniotic fluid about three days after my due date and they gave me 12 hours to go into labor on my own (which I didn't do) before starting the pitocin. The contractions were miserable but my labor was short (5 1/2 hours start to finish with 25 minutes of pushing) and I did end up with an epidural (why I ever thought I wanted to go without, I have no idea). My second child was also induced because my water completely broke 3 weeks early (not pleasant either--thankfully I was home) and I again did not go into labor on my own. This time my labor was only about 3 hours or so once it started and I pushed for 25 minutes again. I also planned the epidural. I think I would like to go into labor on my own sometime, but the fact is that not everybody does--if your water breaks and you don't, your baby can be at risk for infection, which is why they give you a certain amount of time. Personally, I would be comfortable being induced within a week or my due date, but not immediately after. If all goes well, you might be fine for the trip as long as you make frequent nursing stops. Newborns are usually pretty simple--feed, change, cuddle. Good luck with your wait!
Many times, it depends on the standard protocol and procedures of your care provider and the hospital where you will give birth. However, 40 weeks is an average estimate of when babies will be born, with full-term being considered 37-42 weeks. That's a lot of time for a baby to be expected, and studies have shown that inducing too soon can greatly affect a baby, simply because due dates have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 weeks, meaning that an ultrasound can predict a gestational age within 2 weeks, but may not be exactly accurate.
Your baby is not ready to be born if your labor has not started on its own. Studies have shown that it is safe to be pregnant until 42 weeks gestation.
Also, if you'd like to consider doing some natural induction techniques, there are many listed online, to include sex, nipple and clitoral stimulation, and eating spicy foods.
You might speak with your doctor and simply state that you wish to remain pregnant until 42 weeks, and to begin having non-stress tests (NST) however often he/she would like you to, in order to ensure the health and safety of you and your baby.
Hang in there, and Happy Birthing!
I was induced with my 1st b/c my water broke at 37 weeks, but labor didn't really start. So, the doctor gave me a little pitocin to get things going. (My second was delivered via c-section b/c of placenta previa.) I am now 39 weeks pregnant with #3 and will be induced Tuesday if things don't happen before then (I'll be 39w2d). My doctor said nothing good happens after 40 weeks and it could actually increase my chance of another c-sec. So, I will be induced Tuesday in hopes of having a VBAC. I see a team of Perinatologists (high-risk OBs) because my second child was high risk and I trust their judgement completely. I really don't see any problems with inductions, but it's your choice NOT your doctor's. Good Luck!!
Follow your gut is my biggest piece of advice. Do some research talk with your doctor and make the decision that you feel most comfortable with. Yes induction tends lead to a more difficult labor but really when it comes down to it both ways still suck. :) With my oldest I was induced because I was leaking amniotic fluid and with our oldest daughter I went into labor all on my own and then just stalled out at 7cm and had to be induced to get going again. Yes the other 2 were much easier and less painful, I wasn't as tired and felt less panicked but it really came down to getting them out healthy and whole so my vote goes to whatever is going to ensure the out come.
As for the car ride you should be fine as long as you take your time and make frequent stops. Bring lots of water and snacks and you should be good.
I was induced with my daughter after being a week late. It was a great experience.
I was induced with both children due to medically necessary reasons. The first, I had pre-eclampsia and was induced at 36 weeks. It was horrible, beyond horrible. With my second my blood pressure was 150/110 the day before my due date and it was wonderful. With #2, I had been dilated to a 3 for a month and was a 4 at last check. I was also thinned. Labor was 3 hours and 3 pushes WITH an epidural.
Talk to your doc and find out your Bishop's score. That is a good indication of success. It obviously isn't best for you or baby, but sometimes you need to. Also, honestly, either way your 14 hour trip probably isn't going to be fun. Sorry!
With my first baby I was push to an emergency c-section (it was horrible, but I know not all are like that) then for my second I wanted a VBAC so I decide to go without being induced as long as I could, and I was soported by my great doctor. I went into labor I think 5 days after my due date.
I was induced after I was 8cm after 2 hours or so I had my little bundle of joy in my arms.
About the driving, I agree with the other moms, I am not sure if this is your first but is not a good idea, babies need to be feed every 3 hours (maybe even more) and they don't always coperate very well, then you have to burp them (also sometimes doesn't work that fast) then change their diaper (sometimes as soon you change one the make pee again) then put them to sleep, but that time it already went at least an hour (if lucky) then in 2 hours all over again.
Plus what happen if he/she gets sick, or you get sick.
I really don't think is a good idea.
Hope you have a happy delivery and enjoy your baby.
Well first I would say, your BFFs wedding has to be totally secondary. I would advise that you do not put any undue pressure on yourself to be there. You are having a baby, that is your job now and if you are too pregnant or too tired with a new born, do not sweat missing. I would definitely advise against going if you haven't had the baby as you may deliver there away from home, dr, etc.....just my two cents on that;) On to the question you actually asked!!!:D K, I have been induced with both of mine much to my objection both times and both went reasonably well. My first was a bit tough bc they had to use the pitocin which was a bit painful and for various reasons I don't do the epidural deal, but if you do the drug thing, it should be no prob. My son was born vaginally after about 10 hrs. With my second, I was induced a little before my due date and after they broke my water I went into labor all on my own:D No pitocin!!!! It was better without it, he came in 6hrs. But had I needed the pit, I still would have had a healthy baby boy and done fine. I would say most dr's these days will let you go to 41 weeks and then they start to get ansy. It's a dr thing. I majorly butted heads with my dr about it last time but in the end I decided that I really like her, she doesn't bug me about stuff except the inducing business, and there is a reason I picked her and at some point I need to factor in her advice. It is hard not to be more anxious close to labor bc you bod is gearing up to have that baby. Just talk about all your concerns to your dr and be open to hear their side and make the decision best for you. Don't feel guilty about being induced, I have had it twice and we are all just fine. Don't overthink it. Set a date you feel comfortable with and see if you dr is good letting you go that long, if not negotiate till you are both comfortable. The relax and see if that baby will just go for it:) As far as the women in your fam going 4 weeks that may be a little off because we have such good technology now that we know right about when we conceived. The early ultrasound is amazingly accurate. Women back in the day didn't have that and thus had to depend on their memory and a pelvic exam, which is why often babies seemed to be later,earlier etc...and then when you factor all that in and mabey a sporatic cycle etc, it was much harder to know exactly when baby should come. Now I think about two weeks past is as far as you want to go bc you probably do have a fairly accurate due date. Good luck, congrats and focus on you!!!! If you don't make the wedding for any reason, of which you have many, wedding photos and videos are lots of fun too;)
My son was "late," and my OB said she would not induce until I was 7-10 days late. Fine with me! I was 10 days late, myself. My son came only 3 days late. I wouldn't induce just yet, unless the doctor has some reason to think that your baby is unusually large.
I still ended up being induced mid-labor after 10 hours with no progress, and it was not so bad. Personally, though, I would give your baby a little longer to come out on his own if you can.
I was induced at 37weeks with my second son. My nurse asked me what I wanted my pain to be at on a scale of 0-10. I chose zero, and that's what I got. It was an absolute breeze! So easy, I could have delivered another baby if there was another one in my tummy. :) NO pain AT ALL!!! With my first, my water broke, and I went into labor naturally and it hurt like hell!! I would definately like to be induced with the next baby!
I wouldn't listen to all the horror stories about why you should wait. Your Dr. knows what's best, and do you really think a Dr. is going to put your baby's life in danger. All of these women on here telling you it's not safe, are not Dr.s. I think a Dr. knows better than they do.
As far as driving with a brand new baby. New borns pretty much sleep all of the time. I think you will be fine. If you want to go to the wedding then go. Babies are not as complicated as some make them out to be, especially newborns. Maybe I'm just extra laid back, because I have not found parenting to be difficult at all and I have two children (one is a baby). I think it's all in how you make it all to be.
Good luck with your baby- they are fun!! :)
I was induced with both of my children and had wonderful birth experiences with both. I was able to get the epidurals before the pain got too intense, and very much enjoyed giving birth both times. Good luck!
I would suggest not getting induced unless medically neccessary. It does interfere with your bodies natural ability to prepare for birthing your baby. I used hypnobirthing for both of my children and had smooth and easy births. I wish you luck and congrats on your little one. Also, when it comes to your best friends wedding, hmmm I would reconsider and set up a future girls weekend to hear all about it, view the pictures and watch the video; because that trip and event sounds like too much stress for you and baby. Hope this helps.
induced with ALL THREE of my deliveries! Non-progression was the reason, with the baby showing stress. 1st & last were vaginal deliveries - the 1st with epidural & the last ...all natural. My 2nd delivery ended in c-section due to non-progression even with the pit drip.
I survived, even with that last (natural) childbirth! & if you're on a timeframe, then this really is your only option. Wishing you a speedy & healthy delivery!
You can probably wait another week or a little more, but the longer you wait the higher the risk of complications. Also, is the doctor concerned about the babies size? If the baby gets too big for you (and that depends on your body size and shape) then you could end up with a c-section or worse (I got permanent nerve damage when he got stuck, since I waited a week and a half after my due date). It's a risk decision, also be aware, that if you wait and have complications, you may have to miss the wedding, depending on how serve they are or if the baby has problems. A friend of my waited and the baby ingested meconium and was in the hospital for almost 2 wks from complications of that. Not to scare you, but lots of people talk about the risk of inducing, I just wanted to put out the risks of waiting, since I didn't hear much about those until they happened to me.
I was induced for all of my three children. It was great, no problems. I have big babies (smallest was 9lbs) and the Dr. wanted to prevent a c-section or troubles during labor because of the size of my babies, I am a small hipped person. So ask your Dr. why he wants to induce, another reason might be because the quality of the amniotic fluid begins to deteriorate after the due date. I would not make any decisions based on convenience, being for you or the Dr. Put your health and that of your child first. So many things can go wrong. I also agree traveling with a new born is not a good idea. Good luck.