Yup. I sure did.
Switching faiths was not really the challenge for me. I knew how much better I felt in the new environment. I had a harder time accepting that others in my family might not understand. In fact, when my husband and I were dating, we had near-violent discussions while we worked to understand each other's viewpoints. You see, he'd been raised in one faith and one church his entire life and he had a really hard time understanding, at first, that it really is okay to seek your path wherever it may be.
Once he got comfortable with that idea, though, he started participating in my activities because he felt drawn to it. I NEVER tried to draw him in, for the record. I don't believe in proselytizing, if you want to get right down to it.
Now he's switched too, his parents know, my parents know, they don't get it, they've asked how we plan to raise our kids outside of the family's traditions, but they aren't bothering us about it either so we're all very respectful when our beliefs differ.
Anyway, once we had kids, we did a lot of research and questioning about what we wanted our family to look like and started a search for the perfect family home community. We haven't quite found it, but we're happy where we are for now.
Good luck. I firmly believe that you need to be where your spirit sings. The higher powers want that too, if anyone's asking my opinion.