Yes get teethers.
Mine was never a drooler then all of a sudden started drooling at 4 mos.
Asked the ped if he could be teething, he said no. Boom, 2 weeks later
his first 2 teeth emerged at 4 1/2. Crazy.
So I went by my instincts.
I got him teethers (which he didn't use right away but later on he did!
Note: get the flattest ones you can find. Some are too puffy & they can't
get their mouths open wide enough to use.
Then I started w/Hylands teething tablets. That helped.
I, also, rubbed Baby Orajel on his gums. That helped, too.
When he started having serious pain, I gave infant Tylenol.
For the molars, I used infant Motrin.
I, also, got those teething nets on a ring for babies. They help w/the pain
if you put frozen fruits in them. My baby didn't like them to be too cold
I was told to dip a baby wash cloth in cold water & tive the baby the tip to suck on. That helped him, too. Try it all.