They Say She Has ADD

Updated on January 14, 2010
K.B. asks from Johnson City, TN
8 answers

My oldest is 11 the Dr says she has ADD put her on the med's last year her grades did come up and her spelling did inprove some. Well over the summer she is off the med's and does great. She starts back on the med's when school starts she is moody and hateful her grades are pretty good and her spelling is great. but for the last 3 weeks she has been getting headaches every Sunday she only takes the med's Mon-Fri oe when she is in school. She takes Focain. Iam not sure if she needs them anymore or what the Dr says just give her 10mg a day but that is what she is taking. What do you think?

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So What Happened?

My Dr is the one that says dont give it to her on weekends I thought that was stupid because Folcain is simular to Ridlin and when I was young I was on that ands took it every day. Iam going to call her Dr and talk to him I might change her med's butr first Iam going to let her take it every day!! Thank you everyone that gave advice!!

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answers from Memphis on

I just need to clarify that the drug is actually Focalin? If so, that is what I just switched my son to taking. He was taking Concerta but he had no appetite and was not eating so we switched him. He now has a bigger appetite and the switch went very well.

This is not a medical opinion this is mine from reading different books and speaking with our pediactric physician. These drugs are stimulants...just as if you are a smoker. When you smoke a cigarette your brain lets out a chemical they call the pleasure chemical into your body. When you haven't had a cig for a while your body starts to crave that pleasure and you become irritable so in return you light up and smoke another cig. It is the same with the drugs for ADD/ADHD. Your child will become emotional and irratable when the body is wanting that drug again. I give my child one 10mg Focalin a day, he gets it as soon as he opens his eyes in the morning. By the time we are all getting home from school and work the pill is wearing off but that is ok. If we wait until after he eats the affects are totally different. We tried the "not giving him a pill on the weekend" and it didn't work. He became very hyper and very emotional. For my sons sake not to have to go through that we give him one a day with no breaks.

You definatly have to find out what works best with your child but the way I see it is, "If my child had a kidney disease and needed medication everyday just to be able to live and have a happy day would I give him one everyday?", "YES"



answers from Knoxville on

I agree that she should either take it every day or not at all. My husband takes meds for adult add and he gets the same way if he skips a dose (headaches ,grumpy the whole nine yards). It has to be an all or nothing thing. Have you tried sitting down with your daughter and talking to her about how she feels about the meds?



answers from Knoxville on

I am a mother of two boys(5 and 7), and I have ADD myself. My youngest has early signs of ADHD, and has been to a pediatric specialist in the past. He was put on Clonidine(which made him sleepy all the time), then Adderall. The Adderall worked well, but made his personality diminish some,and is a risky drug for such a young child.He was not as outgoing and cheerful, so I took him off of it.He has started Kindergarten and is already having problems daily with his behavior.I am going to wait awhile before taking him back to the doctor,because no matter what medication, it makes your child's personality change.I have taken Strattera(made me sleepy), Ritalin(bad mood swings),and Adderall which worked the best.I know a few people on AdderallXR, and they love it.I have been this way for so long that I just tough it out,and try my best at work,but I do have my bad days(forgetful,no comprehension when I read,etc).I would chnage her meds if they are making her sleepy,etc.



answers from Greensboro on

I do not know if your child is inattentive or Hyperactive/Impulsive but I have a blog of information on the inattentive subtype of ADHD which is more common in girls. For the primarily inattentive type sometimes behavioral and diet interventions work as well or better than stimulants. I have written about the diet interventions that scientist have proven help ADD and ADHD. The URL is



answers from Atlanta on

HI K. -

The other moms are right; most ADHD drugs have to maintain a "constant level" in the body, and taking your daughter off on the weekends might be a mistake. You need to talk to your dr. about this. I work in the school systems and have seen LOTS of kids have to "build back up" at the beginning of the week after having been off of meds for the weekend. You also need to know if her drug is WEIGHT BASED or METABOLISM based; in other words, do they just give her an amount based on her weight, or do they factor in metabolism? Some kids can have a metabolism boost even if they don't gain weight, and then the drugs don't seem like they are working any more. Just keep in constant contact with her drs. The bottom line is - if it is helping her be successful in school, it's worth it!
Good luck!



answers from Augusta on

Hi K. B
I have an 8 year old boy who has ADHD (more common in boys, the girls usually have ADD) He takes concerta. Over the summer, I lowered his dose, and he did fine. On the occasions that he has forgotten his medicine, his behavior has been okay at school, as he has learned to handle the impulsivity and hyperactivity with age (and Karate has taught him amazing self-discipline), but his school work would be a mess. The Dr.s tell me that it takes different focus for different things. He can play a video game fine w/o meds, but school work is a mess. He gets headaches occasionally, and has begun to get them again. Sometimes it is rebound. I've begun his Flonase again, as he is very sensitive to allergies, so that could be it. I've also been given Atarax to give him at night for when the meds wear off and he can't settle down. It helps to calm him down & sleep, but I only have to use it occasionally. It could be something about school she does not like if the headaches are coming on Sundays. My nephew takes Focalin, but perhaps trying another med will help, there are many available, including a patch that can be removed (I would really like to have my son try that one) It could also be that with age, your daughter is learning to overcome her ADD, my daughter did. She still has it (she's 18 now), but by 9th grade, she could, except during tests, it would drive her crazy when people would finish & start talking. But I would rule out other causes of the headaches first, as they may not have anything to do with the meds.



answers from Atlanta on

I agree with the other Mom. The medication for ADD affects the brain. Anything that affects the brain has to be gradually weaned from your system. You can't do the on for five days then off for two. I would think that would be dangerous. I have a 10 year old grandson, and 11 year old nephew on Concerta. They take the meds every day. But, my sister and daughter do cut the meds in half on weekends and during the summer months. This way they are still getting the medication and not being taken off "cold turkey". That may be why your child is getting the headaches on Sundays. This is just my opinion, but I will tell you what I always tell my daughter about her children: When in doubt, call the pediatrician.
Best of luck!



answers from Augusta on

Drugs for ADD/ADHD and depression have to be taken every day, no matter what day of the week it is it has to be taken everyday they have to maintain a certain level int their system to be able to actually work. taking her off of them is prob a bad choice. when you take her off of them her system has to build the level back up when seh starts taking them and the side effects are worse going back on.

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