The Terrible Ones!!!! - Grapevine,TX

Updated on April 28, 2007
J.M. asks from Grapevine, TX
4 answers

My son just turned one less than a month ago and WOW he is sure whining a lot. Not really a cry, but certainly no something happy either. Me and his dad work, but when we are together, we shower him with affection. It seems for the first time in his life, he is just unhappy all the time, hence the whining. I don't know what is wrong and I don't want to raise a spoiled child and give into the fake crys. I just fear he is unhappy, scared or hurting in some way. BTW he had his 12 month checkup and everything was fine. Is this just a phase????

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answers from San Diego on

Hi J.,

It's just a phase, no worries. My daughter did the same thing, she all of a sudden was very clingy and would want us to hold her all the time. And around 15 months, she started early stages of the terrible twos, which our pediatrician said was normal! Fun fun!!




answers from Dallas on

Are his molars in yet? My son did the same thing at that age and I chalked it up to his molars coming in. I also think he was starting to get bored with his same old routine so I started rotating his toys and taking him to the park more often... just giving him more to get excited about.



answers from Dallas on

Find the DVD, "Happiest Toddler on the Block"---the book is fine, but seeing Dr. Harvey Karp show how the technique works makes more sense. It works wonders. We rented it from Blockbuster Online.




answers from Dallas on

My son is 16 months old and it is a phase. I think they get frustrated because they can't verbally communicate with you so they whine or fuss. It could be teething, he's tired, he wants something he can't explain. I'm sure he's not an unhappy child. It sounds like you're loving on him plenty and are a great Mom. No worries. I'm sure it will get about 17 years! (hahaha) Just teasing! :-)

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