We have a rule in our house. Everything goes in a box/bin it is marked. We have christmas, easter, jackets, boots, cords...you get the idea. All in a box along with a few boxes of keepsakes clearly marked. We tape up the box (date it) so you have to rip tape to open it (make sure the box is marked well; if it hasn't been opened in 6 months then the box still taped and unopened goes to good will or something of the sort. (We DO NOT open it) because then we start thinking maybe we should..., or but I think I will... Just a thought. I do not however feel that it is o.k. to just throw something with out the knowledge I know I would not really like it if my hubby did it to me. At least this way it is a mutual agreement. Besides really if we haven't used it in 6 months, and its not decoration, or keepsake do we really REALLY need it?!?!?!
Best of luck with the move having moved 8 times in 5 years we know first hand it is not an easy task!