Hi B.,
You need to take a deep breath and just trust that everything will be ok! Lots of Mommies are in your position. Nevertheless, it is a difficult thing, its ok to be nervous.
1. A lot of moms don't start pumping until they return back to work and are able to pump enough. How is your milk supply so far? If you are worried about it, just start pumping 1 or 2 times a day when you are not at work, and that will supplement what you pump at work. Yes, you can pump at work, every employee needs to allow Moms to pump. You will figure out how to do it! But if you can't pump enough, its ok to supplement with formula. Formulas are made so close to mother's milk now and your kiddo will still get your immunities when you feed him.
2.As far as getting ready for work, what I do is set my alarm for 15 - 20 minutes earlier than I used to, that way I feed my son if he's awake, if not, I just pump before I head off to work. You'll get a system down. You can wake him up if you want, especially if he usually goes back down easily after night time feeds.
3. My son is 4 months and I wouldn't say we are on a very regular schedule quite yet, but we are very close! By 2-3 months, naptimes will get to be more regular and bedtime gets a bit earlier. Week by week makes a huge difference at this age. he will guide his schedule and pretty soon, you'll have it down pat.
4. Every woman is different! Be patient with yourself, keep up with the breastfeeding, eating healthy and moderate, exercising - you'll get there! Just don't starve yourself!
Good luck, you can do it!!!