Terrible Skin

Updated on April 13, 2007
A.M. asks from Dunlap, IL
19 answers

I gave birth to my son six months ago and from the time I got pregnant to now my skin has been terrible. I was wondering if other moms experienced this? Has anyone tried Proactive or does anyone know if it is safe to try while breastfeeding?

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answers from Enid on

I have heard fablous things about Proactive and as far as I know it is completely safe to use while bf'ing. It is only on the outside afterall so I wouldn't worry to much about it. My skin usually clears up after having a baby and so far with both of my kids it has.

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answers from Springfield on

I use it 2x a day everyday and I love it! My skin was awful with every year older I got....I started using proactive during my 4th pregnancy, because my skin was out of control and nothing would help, only made it worse. I have been using it for 2 years now and it makes my skin awesome! I still get the occasional zit during my period or when I am really stressed out...but nothing like I used to. It even helped with the acne scars, they seemed to fade away.
I know it doesnt work for everyone, but it is worth a try. My brother has cystic acne and he is seeing a lot of improvement from it with proactive, more than he saw with prescribed meds from the dermatoligist.
Try It...how bad can it be, it has a money back gaurentee!



answers from Kansas City on

Hi A., did you find a product for your skin yet? If not, I am a Sales Director with Mary Kay, and I give free facials, if you would like to have one, just let me know. I have several clients who have had what you are experiencing and we have some great products that will work. Mary Kay is #1 in the nation based on skin care sales for 13 years in a row. We also have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. I also give a 15% discount to Mammasource moms on their first order.

Good Luck,




answers from Enid on

Hello A.!

I like to keep things all natural so I use Aubry Organics line of facial cleansers. You can feel good about using them because there are no harsh chemicals or carcinogens that can harm yours' or babys' sensitive skin.

Aubry Organics has a range of natural facial care products (even shampoo) that covers dry, normal/combo, and oily skin types. Ask for it at your local natural health store or go to their website at www.aubrey-organics.com

I use the products for oily skin and absolutely LOVE the results I have received.



answers from Tulsa on

I had horrible skin when I got pregnant and I also nursed for a year. I tried Proactive, Arbonne, & Mary Kay, they all made me worse. Everyone's skin is different so they might work for you but I found the only thing that helped me was to use a clenser like Purpose (reccomended by my dermotologist) and my dermo gave me 2 perscriptions one for Duac & one for Retin-A-Micro. She said both were safe while breastfeeding. My skin didn't completely clear up until after I quit breastfeeding and got on birth control. Good luck, I know how bad it can make you feel to have acne, I hope you find something that works for you!



answers from Oklahoma City on

I saw that there was an Arbonne product listed already and wanted to add that Mary Kay also has an awesome Timewise for Oily skin, or even our Velocity line that actually works instead of Proactive. I can show pictures and effects of it. For a good price too!! Good luck and if you want information, feel free to contact me! www.marykay.com/mdavis73008



answers from Kansas City on

I see that Arbonne and Mary Kay are on here and I sell Avon and I use their true porfection line. They have many types for different skin types. I had the same problem that you do and it is all hormones. Email me at ____@____.com if you want more information.



answers from Kansas City on


Coming from a person who suffered with Acne growing up... I learned the less I do the better my skin.
I simply use a non-soap cleaner, Cetaphil. I wash my face in the morning with it and then at night. I also use a super light moisturizer...
The more chemicals and touching I did... the worse I got.
Good Luck... I know what it is like to feel this way!



answers from Oklahoma City on


I dont personally usse Proactiv, but my daughter does. My husband's side of the family has serious acne. Unfortunately, she inherited it. From the age of about 8 we have been fighting it with everything.

She is now 13, and not even antibiotics or prescription face cream helped. I got her proactiv, and she started noticing the difference in about 2 weeks. Hope it works for you.



answers from Kansas City on


I started using Carley's Clear and Smooth. I didn't have to use their scrub on my face, just their natural soap twice a day and it worked wonders!!

I had the embrassing problem of breakouts on my chest and shoulders and use the scrub for those areas.

I hope you find something that works for you



answers from Topeka on

I would take Melissa up on her offer for the Mary Kay thing. Talk to her about the Velocity line. I broke out horrible when I was pregnant and on top of that I started getting dry skin spots all over, I tried several things then I tried Velocity, and it did wonders for my acne and my dry skin spots, it was the only thing that worked for me, and it really isn't all that expensive plus it's so easy to use, just wash your face 2 times a day and put on the moisturizer, and it will be totally safe while breastfeeding.



answers from Tulsa on

I see quite a few things about Mary Kay and Arbonne. My skin also broke out with my forst pregnancy and with my pregnancy right now. I was using some of the Mary Kay and it helped some, but my mom sent me some Arbonne and it helped so much better plus it's all natural, no animal bi-products!! Anyways it last a long time cause you use do little and is defantly safe for you and the baby, it also is so refeshing in the morning it has that ready to start your day feel. I really love it I would try that from one of the ladies on here, they also have a awsome baby line.



answers from Tulsa on

I had similar issues and used Arbonne's skin care line. It's like Proactive...but much more natural and i'm sure better when you're breastfeeding. I would go on the Arbonne website and double check, it worked great for me.

Good Luck



answers from Kansas City on

Hi A.! I am too 26 years old. I "used" to have breakout problems after my two children were born, but now I don't. I would have used proactive but it is sooo expensive. I became a Mary Kay rep exclusively because their acne medicine is awesome, and got rid of my acne immediately. Their stuff is so cheap and lasts a long time. I would be happy to do a one on one consult with you and get you the appropiate acne formula. It has a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so if it doesn't work or you don't like it just give it back for full refund. Mary Kay is specialized for every skin type and age, so I am sure you would use what I use. Let me know, and I will give you a free gift just for consulting with me!! You will LOVE this stuff, I promise!

M. ###-###-#### or email ____@____.com



answers from Kansas City on

I have been using proactive since 1998 and it works very well. But since I had my son almost two years ago, I cant stop the breakouts with anything. Someone told me that acne from the nose down was stress related. I dont know about that, but if its true then that would explain why my proactiv doesnt work anymore.



answers from Peoria on

i had alot of the same problems my dr. told me it can be anywhere from 6 to 9 periods before my body is back to its original self. I am not sure if proactive is safe for breastfeeding but you can always check the bottle it should be because it goes on the outside of your skin. My face didnt clear up till alex was almost a year but it did clear up. Good luck



answers from Tulsa on

My skin wasn't the greatest while I was pregnant. My daughter is 4 onths old. i've been using proactive for about 1 1/2 months now without any problems.



answers from Kansas City on

I have been using Proactiv for about 6 years and swear by it. It is the only thing that has ever worked on my skin. I went to the Dermatologist for 5 years with no cure for my bad skin. One day I tried Proactiv and have had beautiful skin since. I used it the entire 12 months I breastfed my son with no problems. I think it is worth every cent.



answers from Springfield on

A., I have had friends that used Proactive and it helped them for a while and as soon as they quit it came back. I got them using Arbonne's Acne system and they really liked it. I sell it. I don't know about the breastfeeding part you may have to ask your doctor. Interested let me know ____@____.com

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