I am also pregnant and when we told my daughter (who's 4 1/2), she was really excited. She also didn't ask too many questions at first but my overall philosphy is to be truthful when answering but don't go into too many details. She did ask (after a few months) how the baby will get out. I told her from my vagina and she laughed and said that was silly and that was that. She's never asked about it again. She definitely pays more attention to my belly than anyone and named the baby "Dumpling" until we find out if the baby's a boy or girl. We have also focused on all the things she can do as a "big girl" that the baby can't do and how important her job will be to teach the baby and how much the baby is going to love her. We got a great book at Borders that's more for girls but it's called "How to be a baby (by me, the big sister)." She loves it and we read it everyday. Good luck!!!