Bread, gets "gummy" and sticky while in the mouth and becomes a big choking hazard for a baby... and can easily get stuck, in the throat.
Per teething, give him a frozen wash cloth that has been dampened and put in the freezer.
Teething... does not have to be biscuits as a solution.
A 7 month old, cannot swallow or chew well. And can easily choke or put too much in their mouth.
Our Pediatrician, did not recommend crackers or hard biscuits, until much older, and if so only things that dissolve quickly. Like puffs etc.
If it melts or dissolves quickly, then less chance of choking.
As for picky Toddler, she will not starve.
My son, who is now 5 years old, was the ULTIMATE "picky" baby and child. SUPER picky.
We never forced him to eat, nor used rewards or punishments. He ate if hungry and stopped when full.
He knew... his body's cues. Which is the best thing. He is also a "grazer" and does not eat a ton all at one sitting. Just like my Husband.
Over time, HE has increased his palate... and now eats a variety of things. Like asparagus, artichokes, broccoli etc.
ALL on his own. We never had to force him or goad him into it. But he ate. Just not exactly like I do. But...
He is super healthy and always has been and grows like a weed.
All by being his "picky" eating ol' self. And he has always been in the upper 97th+ percentiles for growth, but is very lean and solid.
He knows himself and his own cues for hunger and fulness.
I never... want my kids to "eat" out of emotional reasons or boredom or just to please someone or to get a reward or to avoid punishment.
This creates dysfunctional eating habits.
Just put fruits or veggies on the table.
Saute it. Steam it. Serve it with a sauce. MANY toddlers, like sauces.
Leave these things in small quantities... on a cute bowl. On a cute food tray. On the coffee table of the family room. Put the tray there and let the child get used to seeing it and trying it and poking it around. Then, she may surprise you and eat it.
Instead of being "cornered" by it.... at a dinner table... all cooped up on a booster seat... and having all eyes on her being told to eat it.
That is more intimidating, for a Toddler.
Anyway, that is what I would do with my kids.
They then got more adventurous, with eating.
Each child is different. Homemade or not, food is something personal and each child is different.
My sibling HATED homemade foods. I liked it. And my mom was a great cook. Just as an example.
With my kids my daughter eats anything and always has even as a baby.
My son would not. But eats a lot more things now. Things that not even his friends has tried.
It is amazing. How a child will eat and well, and not by being forced or tricked into it.
This is also an interesting article: