I'll tell you what worked for my daughter (who started teething when she was 4 months old!). The thing that truly worked best for her was the relief she got from topical gels (Orajel or Anbesol). I know that some people think that it's not so great an option because it doesn't last very long, but I will tell you for my daughter - it was amazing! She was able to feed, able to sleep or get back to sleep, and it did the trick or held her over until Tylenol went into effect (if it was bad enough).
We also had her chew the teething tablets - I always used them in conjunction with the topical gel, so I have no idea how effective they are on their own, but I wasn't a big "Tylenol all the time" user either.
I know it's tough, and when kiddos start early like yours and mine, it makes for a long road. Hang in there - I know you'll get great advice on this site!