Hi M.,
My son who is a little over 10 months old just had the probing done to unclog his right teart duct about 2 weeks ago. I'm so glad that we didn't wait until after his first b-day, because we didn't have to anesthesize him in order to do it. I figured placing an IV and keeping him from eating all night would be worse than a minute of being swaddled for the procedure. The entire process took less than 2 minutes for us. They took him into another room, swaddled him, held his head still, and the doctor placed a very thin probe to open his duct. I heard him cry the minute they swaddled him (I think that was the worst part for him. no baby will like that), and then they put numbing drops in, and did the probing. He stopped crying the minute they picked him up, and he was okay when we got to hold him. We gave him a dose of tylenol like we were told and gave him antibiotic drops in that eye for 1.5 days, and that's pretty much it. He had some bloody tears come out of his right eye and nose for the first 2 days, but that's expected..and is a good sign that it opened up. Just to warn you, my son's eye still had mucus for 2-3 days after the procedure, and I called the opthomologist about it. I waited one more day..and it's been clear ever since. We just went for the follow-up visit and things look great. Turns out his duct was blocked in 3 different places, so that's why the 10 months of massaging and warm compresses didn't help for him. I hope you find this message encouraging. There seemed to be no discomfort or pain for him right after the procedure. He was happy, played like his normal self, and ate and slept fine. And best of all, it's so great not having to wipe his eye several times a day. We're so glad we did it..and I'm sure my son is too =). I'm sure it will go great for you, but feel free to ask me any questions if you have them.