
Updated on August 14, 2013
S.G. asks from Beverly Hills, CA
4 answers

Does the Tassimo have a filter cup you can put your own coffee in, or do you have to buy the prepackaged coffee? My friend has one and I was going to get her some coffee for it, but I thought it would be better to get her the filter she can use regular coffee in if there is such a thing.

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answers from Washington DC on

Boy - hope no one mixes up the answers to this and your other question below about the diva cup!

That could lead to a terrible cup of coffee!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Not sure if it will work in yours, but I saw one of those As seen on TV products - a little cup you could refill and use in your coffee machine. Wish I could remember what it was called. You could try googling it. The one I saw was in Michaels.

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answers from Kansas City on

Aileene P!! You made me laugh! And I needed that laugh, too!

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answers from San Diego on

I have the Tassimo and you have to buy the pre-filled T-discs. I get them at Bed, Bath & Beyond. You can also order them online there w/ free shipping: http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product.asp?SKU=110393&am...

ETA: Keurig has them, Tassimo does not.

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