Please, please, please search for the book "Raising your spirited child" before deciding to get her tested or medicated. What your daughter sounds like is a "spirited child" not a ADHD child. Of course if you find that after you use the tips in the book and your daughter still has issues then I would have her tested.
There are a lot of stradegies and helpful things you can do to help her be her best and you to be your best as well. The first thing I would suggest is to turn those negative descriptors you have for her such as "hyper", "irritating", disrespectful" into postive ones. Instead of "Hyper" you can call her "Energetic" and instead of "Irritating" you can call her "Challenging". Instead of "Disrespectful" you can call her "assertive" or "self assured". When you label your daughter she will mold herself to those labels. So why not give her positive ones to mold by? It will also give her a sense of self esteem that she doesn't get from the other negative labels you have for her.
If she has the sensitivity to smells,tastes and sounds and can still cope (such as holding her nose while brushing her teeth) then she is most likely just a spirited child and not having a sensory disorder. Children with sensory disorders cannot adapt or overcome the intense stimulation of smells, tastes, feels and sounds even with help from the parent. Spirited children can be very sensitive to sensory things such as light, noise, textures, smells, tastes and energy. When given the right skills they can cope and get through it.Not all spirited children have the same sensitivities.
Spirited children are just "more" but they are well within the "normal" range for a child. They are more intense, more sensitive, more perceptive, more persistent and energetic. You just need to help them get through their struggles to be themselves when no one understands.
Please check out the book.I had a lot of struggles with my son at an early age and I still feel like he is not listening but until I got this book I thought that he just couldn't focus or listen. Now I realize that it is his nature and temperment and that there is nothing wrong with him. Since using some of the techniques in the book our relationship has blossomed and changed for the better. I wish my mother had this book when I was growing up because I was the same way as a child and am now dealing with self esteem issues that are from the labels that were put on me (difficult,hyper,stubborn,unruly etc). Please look at the way you look at her and see if the labels and words you use to describe her aren't painting a negative picture in your head.