I have had both of my children with Kaiser, both with differnt experirences.
My advice for you when it comes to Kaiser is to find a Kaiser that works for you. Not all Kaiser locations are the same, and you do not have to go to the one nearest you. You can pick which spot to go to. I was lucky in delivering vaginally at the Santa Clara location and I had a c-section with my second at the Vallejo Kaiser. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the maternity ward at Kaiser Vallejo, the dr.s were wonderful, the care before hand was awesome. Hated their pediatric department and EVERY doctor I tried there. Santa Clara, not so happy with the maternity ward, and didn't have the best delivery, not real satisified with it. But had an aswesome after care nurse, and I like so far most of the pediatricians at Santa Clara. With Kaiser you have the opportunity to try a bunch of different doctors and locations until you find one that fits. Kaiser gets a bad rap, but if you are able to work the system, you can have a VERY pleasent experience. Remember, you can ALWAYS ALWAYS change your dr, location, etc. For instance, it may sound silly to some, but it works for me, My OB and primary dr. are in Vallejo, my sons dr. is in Santa Clara. It's worth a 45 drive for me to see someone I really trust, and that I click with.
Good Luck