Please, please contact your OB right now.
This is a medical situation. I know you were only asking if this happened to others, but I feel compelled to respond and urge you to get your OB up to date on this development so you two can have a plan in place to deal with this and manage it for the rest of your pregnancy and post-partum.
Although you state you are not "gonna listen to myself," the intensity, frequency, and duration of these thoughts may increase to an unmanageable point.
While having thoughts does not mean a person is going to act on those thoughts, the situation may escalate. You need to have a plan in place in the event this happens, and you must be able to have emergency access to your provider. He/she must know about this before it gets to an emergency situation.
To answer your question, this has not happened to me. However, I have spent more than two decades dealing with people who have had suicidal thoughts and helping them to manage these thoughts. This is not something to keep from your provider.
Please, call today and get your Dr. on board and have a plan in place.
J. F.