I just moved to this area so please note that I am not commenting on the specific location, but I have done gymboree and little gym as well as many other programs with by kids and I really like gymboree for younger kids (1 and 2 yr olds) and little gym for older preschoolers. I think gymboree is very fun and a little more free form, although they are very organized there is just a little bit more laid back environment. However, as they got a little bit older I thought Little gym did more to emphasize important skills like waiting your turn and participating when the teacher asks you to, at the same time as keeping it fun. Whatever you do, just make sure that if you don't think the teacher is doing a good job, change classes, a lot of the experience depends on the teacher and it's not worth the money for a teacher who isn't into the class. We had one at Gymboree who was really nice, but I realized after a while that she knew several of the Moms in the class and she was happy to stand around talking with them for about 1/3 of the class time. We changed classes because of scheduling conflicts and I couldn't believe how different the class was. The teacher was dynamic and fun and the whole tone changed, and my son who was getting kind of bored with it, suddenly couldn't wait to go.