YAY! I can answer this!
So, I have a bit of a candy addiction. I like something sweet before bed. I always keep everything carefully sealed, but apparently my boys found my stash and decided to raid it and leave things open.
Enter the sugar ants.
You'll need:
2 Tablespoons Borax powder (laundry aisle at Walmart)
2 Tablespoons granulated sugar
Hot water
a couple of little lids off plastic food storage containers
A small bowl
a fork
Here's what you do: Take a couple of lids from the teeny-tiny rubbermaid leftover food containers. You know...the ones you'd use for salad dressing? Or in my case, the ones I almost never use. Anyhow, put them on the counter. Put the sugar in the bowl. Add a little hot water. Start with about a tablespoon and use the fork to stir it until the sugar is dissolved in the water. Then add the Borax. Mix it with a fork and make a paste with about the consistency of toothpaste. Add more water if needed. Mix well. Now take and dab the paste on each of the lids (use whichever side won't allow the paste to escape over the side).
These are your "ant baits." Put them whereever you've seen the ants. Since I also have cats, I put mine under my nightstand where they can't get to them. So I suggest putting them under a piece of furniture where your dogs can't go.
Give the ants about two days. They will bring the bait back to the nest and feed their friends. No more ants. Then you can pick up the baits, clean the lids with dish soap and hot water (might have to let them soak), and they're safe to use again.