Suffering Prego

Updated on January 21, 2011
S.B. asks from San Francisco, CA
9 answers

I got a bladder infection about 2 months ago now. Since then i have been to the doctor about every week and a half trying to get rid of it. At one point it was so bad i went to the hospital and they told me it was so bad that it had traved into my kindeys. The doctors keep prescribing medications which help while I'm taking them but after words it seems to come right back. All i drink now is water, and sometimes cranbarry juice. I really dont know what else to do. Any advice would help. Thanks
P.S. i have had it cultured and the meds that are supposed to work havent :(
P.S.S. i have been prescribed amoxicillian twice and macrobid twice. What sucks even more is that antibiotics give me yeast infections... They have also given me a pain medicine that targets just the bladder and kidney area. While I'm on the meds I'm fine but about a day after the pain returns :(

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answers from Sacramento on

While I don't have an answer for you. I have had a kidney infection while pregnant (bladder infection went into my kidneys) and I was absolutely miserable!! I was admitted to ICU (intensive care unit) for 5 days while they shot me full of antibiotics and tried to keep me hydrated. There is a fear of you going into labor early and depending on how bad the infection is, they may have to take the baby early in order to get you to heal. In my case, I was very close to having to have my baby early.
I know they are working on trying to get you the right antibiotics, but I would push the issue. Maybe they can admit you and do intravenous antibiotics?? I wish you the best!

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answers from San Francisco on

I have a bladder condition called interstitial cystitis. So, I feel your pain. The GAG or mucus layer around my bladder has been worn away. They don't know what causes this or how to cure it. (Acidic foods such as tomato, caffeine, red wine, etc. can cause even more pain for me.)
It doesn't really sound like what you have. I only mention it to inform you there are other bladder conditions out there. Hopefully, this is just an infection!! Since they said it was in your kidneys it sounds like it is/was an infection. I am really prone to infection too. So, here are a few things I've learned. Most of them have been mentioned, but a couple more are:

Stay dry (One Dr. even said to blow dry the vaginal area after showering.)

I fought bladder infection for 3 -4 months and was prescribed a preventative antibiotic (macrobid). (don't know about doing this while pregnant).

Hope you feel better! Congrats on the baby!

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answers from Minneapolis on

You are pregnant with a recurrent UTI? First, get in to see a urologist and make sure it is "just" and UTI and not a UTI combined with a "spastic bladder" (I am sure there is a more technical name for this, but spastic bladder will ring a bell for a urologist).

Pull out all the stops...

By cranberry juice I assume you mean the organic, concentrate stuff (readily available at Trader Joe's) and not that counter-productive cranberry cocktail?

No more baths (with or without bubble bath). Showers only and then with natural soaps without perfumes or dyes.

Same thing for laundry detergent...Find something natural and organic.

Cotton undies only. Ditch the tights and stockings. And no undies at bedtime. Oprah's granny endorses this and granny wisdom is not to be ignored.

Water Water Water

UTI pain meds (AZO makes them over the counter)

Avoid caffeine and alcohol (since you are pregnant -- Duh! = )

Avoid spicy or citric foods/juices.

Avoid excess sugar.

Toilet paper -- Again, as dye and perfume and chemical free as you can find.

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answers from Houston on

Have they admitted you into the hospital with IV antibiotics flushing constantly through your system. Sometimes, that is what it takes when the oral antibiotics won't clear it up. An overnight stay might clear you up. I would ask, even though I hate hospitals. I would hate for you to have permanent damage because of an infection that won't clear up.

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answers from Dallas on

keep doing what your doing and go pee a lot - even if you dont think you need want to flush that bladder.

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answers from Raleigh on

Have they cultured your urine? The reason I ask is because I had a MRSA infection in my left breast that went on forever. I took 4 different antibiotics over 10 weeks, and nothing got rid of it. It would get a little better while on the antibiotics, but would come back in a matter of a day after finishing the round. Finally, I was sent off to have the infection cultured, and was given the right antibiotics which finally took care of things. You can get definitely a MRSA infection in your bladder. Not sure what they can give you if you are pregnant, but it might be worth asking about it.

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answers from Saginaw on

I have no advice about bladder infections...but I've been in a similar situation while pregnant so I feel your pain.

I suffered yeast infections one right after another while pregnant with my youngest. Never had them before being pregnant and haven't had one since. Pregnancy can spring some crazy things. I think I ended up on yeast infection medicine 4 or 5 times before it finally went away. It finally did....

Best of luck to you!

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answers from Modesto on

Bladder infections are common in pregnant women. Most women get treatment and it doesn't recurr, but for some it does. I had recurrent bladder infections and a kidney infection when pregnant with my first child. My OBGYN and urologist put me on a low dose of Keflex antibiotic (250mg/day) daily, for management and maintenance of this problem for the remainder of my pregnancy. IT kept my urine more sterile. It worked beautifully and I had a wonderful baby boy. My dr put me on maintenace Keflex right away when I got my first bladder infection while pregnant with my second child. No more problems and now I have a healthy girl. Easily managed problem with little to no risk to the baby. Your meds are probably working and get rid of the initial infection, but the problem is recurring again and again. Talk to your dr about maintenance medication for the rest of your pregnancy to prevent reccurrance. Good luck!

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answers from San Francisco on

Sebamed body wash helps with irritation in that area and drinking coconut juice helps with pain. I know it is so annoying. Hope your pain goes away soon,

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