I would take a break from letting other people feed your breastfed daughter... you may feel you are being nice to others or giving yourself a break - but all you are doing is sabotaging your body's only source of stimulation letting you know how much is needed to be made to satisfy your infant. There will be plenty of opportunity to allow others to feed her much later once your milk supply is stabilized or when you return to work. In the mean time, breastfeed on demand and pump the other side... don't worry about what you pump.
What the pump is able to express is barely 25% of what is actually in your breast... it's a machine, not a specially designed infant suckling. Feeding on demand and exclusively is the EASIEST way to increase your milk supply. Don't stress about lack of supply, because unless you are allowing another person to feed her more than twice a day, you should have nothing to worry about. By month 3-4, most Moms cannot even pump out more than an ounce anyways... so use this time to stockpile milk in the freezer for future use, not current use. There are drugs you can use (Blessed Thistle WITH Fenugreek) but I don't think that is your issue...
I breastfed my first past toddler hood and have a 3 month old currently nursing. I've studied lactation for the last 5 years and am only waiting for the CLC licensure to be in my area at a time in which I can both afford it and can take off from work/school - so I'm not only experienced, but have also learned the actual basics and anatomy of breastfeeding also.