You'll have to be careful with the P and T. I bought mine before I even had my first. I knew I wanted something for my daily walks, and I knew I would be having at least two kids close in age. In any case, it is the best stroller every invented. It handles snow great, and is super easy to move about in small public bathrooms --amazing.
However, it isn't the most stable thing. My son only weighs about 8 lbs less than his sister that is 2 years older. The stroller will tip if she sits in the front and gets out, so I make her sit in the jump seat. She struggles to get out, sometimes, and you have to hold onto the stroller or it will tip. It is great to have an extra little seat, however, for when we are out and she needs a place to rest, but I am about ready to just get a wagon. It isn't practical when kids want to jump in and out all the time.
So, you may want to just save yourself some money. How often will you be using this thing? Can you just baby-carry instead?
I have two friends that went and bought themselves expensive double strollers, and I doubt they will really get much use out of them. It all depends on what you need one for.