Strange Headaches on Left Side of Head *UPDATED*

Updated on May 23, 2012
M.C. asks from Stafford, TX
6 answers

Hi everyone,

For about a week I have been getting the same headache everyday. It is on and off throughout the day and it radiates through the left side of my head.

I have never had an issue with headaches or migraines in the past and I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this type of headache and what could be causing it?

We are trying to get pregnant so I have been avoiding taking any sort of meds for this. Are migraines a symptom of pregnancy? My AF is due TODAY and I haven't gotten it.. hmmm....

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answers from Los Angeles on

Is it possible that you are grinding your teeth at night? I get them on one side two, feels like it's behind my eye socket. I grind my teeth at night.

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answers from Dallas on

Are there weird little symptoms before the headache comes on? Nausea, an aura (which I have never personally had, but I have heard others do), a mild pain starting at one point (mine is next to my left eye) which radiates to the rest of that side of the head, sensitivity to light or sound, or sudden irritability? If you have any or all of these before and/or during the headache, then it is probably a migraine. Migraine literally means "pain on one side of the head" (thanks Wikipedia!), and so if the headache stays on one side and is intensely painful, then more likely than not, you are suffering from migraines.

I get them too and have been getting them more and more recently. I used to get them all the time and needed prescribed medication, but the migraines took a break, but now decided to rev up for perimenopause.

For occasional migraines I have found that Dong Quai helps me (herbal supplement--talk to your doctor or nurse first. I would hate to recommend something that does not suit you, or worse, harms you) along with Advil, especially liquid caps. If it becomes a daily or weekly thing, I would talk to your doctor; you may need long-term medication like Maxalt (was on that for a while and it worked wonders) or Topamax (which has been highly recommended to me).

Either way, you may want to talk to your doctor; having a headache for a week, migraine or no, is not good.

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answers from Phoenix on

You may want to search for trigger point reference pain. I know pain in my shoulders and back can give me one sided headaches. Mine are in my temple, around my eye and the base of the head. I've had migraines too....and they are different. Maybe you could describe the pain/location....

Here is a really simplified chart.,_Meso_%26_Neuro_Ther...

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answers from Chicago on

Migraines are typically on one side of the head, and they can last for days at a time. Migraines can be symptom of pregnancy because of in crease in hormones. But not to get your hopes up because it can also be a regular old headache caused because of stress or tension...especially since you are trying to get pregnant. If you notice any other symptoms, belly pain, shoulder pain, jaw pain....anything like that call your doctor right away. Sometimes things like this can be what is called "referred pain" to something more serious.
Take into account your stress level, diet, work load and also how much rest your are getting. If any of this is is probably just caused by stress and should relieve itself when you get those areas back to normal.

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answers from Dallas on

I did not have migraines until I was pregnant with my oldest. So yes they can be unfortunately they also can be something that sticks around. You need to talk to your dr and find out what you can take. If you are not wanting to take meds I suggest caffeine. That is the only thing that even touches mine if I can't take meds.

Good luck and God Bless!

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answers from Portland on

Yes, I've had a headache on one side of my head only and it was diagnosed as migraine. I didn't have an aura or anything else associated with migraine.

I've also had several whip lash injuries and was told that a pinched nerve could be the cause.

The headaches could also have been caused by my grinding my teeth.

I'm now retired and my daughter is grown and I rarely have headaches anymore so I'm guessing they may have been tension headaches.

If they continue you need to see a doctor.

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