Stickers in the Laundry - Pembina,ND

Updated on October 26, 2012
S.G. asks from Beverly Hills, CA
5 answers

My son got a sticker at school last week for a job well done, which he wore on his shirt. I did not catch it before it went into the laundry, and it had left a mess of adhesive on the shirt. How can I get that off now? I had it happen before to a jacket and I never got it off.

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So What Happened?

Thanks for the ideas. I tried the rubbing alcohol first and it worked!

More Answers


answers from Lynchburg on

Hey sherri!

There is a product called 'goo gone'...I know it is available at lowes...and home depot...

It is 'orange' colored (and smelling) and come in a squirt bottle or a spray...

It works!

best luck!

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answers from Atlanta on

Doesn't work for all fabric, but works on a lot of them (great on cotton). Take a piece of duct tape and put it over the sticker residue. Then rip it off, similar to a leg wax.

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answers from San Diego on

Rubbing alcohol on a Q-tip. I was able to get a bandaid that went through the wash many times, melting the bandaid even, off a pair of blanket sleepers. I had given up and so it went through the wash many times with one kid (favorite pair). They were worn a couple time with a second child and that's when I was able to get it all off with alcohol. It breaks down the sticky residue. You can't tell it was ever there anymore.

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answers from Dallas on

I had this exact problem this morning with my daughter's school uniform shirt and planned to chalk it up as being ruined. Going to try the rubbing alcohol instead.

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answers from Minneapolis on

My answer would be same as Catwalk W.....Goo Gone, works great!!

I know this wasn't the question, but I thought I'd share how to get crayon off of clothes that have gone thru the dryer. WD-40!!

Spray the clothes with WD-40, let sit for a few mins, rub in some laundry detergent and wash on the hottest setting the items will take. Don't dry until you make sure it's all out, if not repeat. You most likely will have to wash the items several times to get rid of the WD-40 smell, but at least you won't have to throw them out.

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